Monday, June 27, 2005

Walmart sucks!

As sad as this may sound, I'm starting my own blog just to bitch. Sorry if I offend anyone with foul language....but I'm in a foul state of mind. Anyone who know's Jim or I knows that back in April we were robbed. If that weren't bad enough, we had all of our checks (from 3 accounts) stolen. They also got a hold of my this became full flegded ID theft! Id theft sucks. You can hear about it on the news, see the sillycommercials on tv, even hear that "so & so" had that happen to them, but until it happens to just have NO idea just how bad this sucks. I'm honestly suprosed that I haven't been instutionalized from all this crap. What sucks the most is constatnly having to prove that YOU were the one who wrote the check. When you first call the mechants (or see them in person) they all get huffy and just think you're dirt and making this crap up. Oh, but when you go and provide them with police reports and notorized affidavits of forgery....then they'll treat you liek you're human. Some will acutally sympathize. It's a very painstaking experiance providing all the required information to all the check verification services (mainly Telecheck), contacting all the credit reporting agencies, and contacting all the merchants. It's just so degrating! But then...1-2 months later you're pretty sure that since you've gotten the "ok" from all the 3 before mentioned agencies/ think Yea! I can write a check...I can write a check without being utterly humiliated in the checkout line. My check WILL go thru. Guess I should've been more pessimistic.

I went to Walmart (after Jim said we were going to'd have to read one of his earlier blogs) on 6/10...right before Mother's Day...2+ months since the robbery... Wrote out my check, even foolishly offered up my D.L....BAM! No go!! LONG line of people just staring at me, like I was filth and pissed off that I was holding up the line. I brought this up (after I paid with plastic!) to the CSM on duty. Told her of the whole ordeal. How I'd gotten the OK from Telecheck. And that I'd been declined at Walmart more times than I cared to mention. She said that I needed to take it up with Telecheck. I call Telecheck and they say I'm cleared in there system and that they already told me that on 5/11/05. I'm like "DUH!" So I go under the ASS-umption that it was matter of Telecheck just not having enough time to contact Walmart...sooo stupid!

So I waited until yesterday to do any kind of transaction that would require my DL. I took a return in w/out a reciept. I gave her my DL and UN-freakin-believable, she VERY tackily said "I can't give you a refund, you have HOT checks out". I say right back in my bithciest of tones "I have STOLEN checks out...not HOT!" She says "Well, whatever" (can you believe her?) "I can't do anything until you get this cleared up w/ Telecheck". I tell her very, very calmly that I've already been cleared by Telecheck. She says "no you haven't!" I man....I wanted to be white trash so bad and jump the counter and kick her ass! BIG TIME! And she was a big girl so there would've been a whole lot of ass to kick!

So I offically delcared BOYCOTT on Walmart. But I ain't going out quitely. I call Telecheck ONE last time. I want them to provide me with some form of written something that says I'm I can go throw it in Walmart's face. She wouldn't do that, but she did get on the phone (while on the phone with me) and talk to Walmart corp. office. She then tells me that Walmart said I need to address this directly with them. So I call and found out that Telecheck did have all the info that they needed to clear me, but Walmart needs that info also. I ask how come NO ONE from Walmart has ever contacted me asking for this info. She says" they didn't"...I say "NO" She says "someone from your local store was to contact oyu about this." I told her that all anyone from my local store had done was direct me to Telecheck. ANYway, she says to fax the info to her and she'll get i straghten out in about 15 days. WOO HOO! How freakin wonderful!

Then I decide not to leave it there. I call the Manager @ this Walmart. Tell him the whole story and ask why the HELL I was never contacted. I told him that his incompetent employees #1) have keep me from getting my named cleared and #2) by accepting my stole checks from the thieves, cause this whole mess to happen in the first place. Well he's unaware of any of this. Says a quick "I'm sorry" tell me to bring the info into the store and he'll get it taken care of. I say "Really??!!" so I commically ask "once I bring this into you and you see all the documentation that proves that this was theft...can I get a refund on my stinking shirt??" He says, "uh, well, after it's cleared in the about 15 days"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm really a rather pleasant person, but Walmart is the devil and they turned me into a pissed off bitch! :)