Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Campers

I can definately say that the kids...and myself...are happy campers. We were all spoiled quite nicely this christmas. My sweet hubby got me some beautiful pearl earrings to match my new pearl necklace from my parents. I also got a chimanea (sp?), the Christmas with the Cranks DVD (funny stuff!), the 8th season of Friends (a MUST have), and Bath and Body Works stuff (the best)! I'd really love to fire up the chimanea every night, but with a state wide burn ban...and 2 grass fire's within view in the past 2 days...I'm a little leary.

Our Christmas holidays will wrap up this weekend with Kay and James on Friday, Gary, Kim and kids on Friday night, and my family on Saturday. We are really looking forward to getting to see everyone.

It has been a wonderful holiday season for us and we are so blessed.

Sorry it's short, but some one is NOT a happy camper being placed int he play pen while I try to type this. I'll try to write more later. Hope you all had a GREAT Christmas and have a very fun New Year!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Well I was floored today! As I mentioned a few blogs back, I do contract work on the side for some guys that I used to work with that started their own business. My blog at that time was mostly complaining about how I don't have enough hours in the day to try to do it all. But it's good, quick money..hell what money isn't good, right? Anyway, I just finished a very time consuming project and was really looking forward to this check. As I opened it I saw a sticky note on it...and it was covering the amount. The note says that they really appreciate all that I've done for them and that this check was for the hours I worked + a bouns!! I was stunned! I didn't expect this at all. It was such a wonderful suprise.

So...guess I'll contime to find the hours I need to get er done :)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas tree and Brayden's 1st snow

Here's a few pics of the kids decorating the Christmas tree.

This was Matt's year to get to put the angel on the tree.

Yesterday we had our first ice/snow storm. The kids begged me to let them go outside...how could I say no?!?

This is a shot out Brayden's window (looking East).

Brayden didn't get to partake in the snow adventure with the big kids. But he did get to stay inside and be all cute :)

Monday, December 05, 2005


As you all know, I get to work from home and keep Brayden with me all day. 99% of the time this a pure joy. 1% (some days more) of the time it is kinda difficult..especially since he became mobile. Its worked out really well because I have him fenced off to only go into the living room and my office. I have been really concerned how the Christmas tree arrangement would work since it goes behind the couch. Well I bought this HUGE baby "corral" and I can fence off the tree. I was so focused on keeping him fenced off from the tree this morning that I forgot to close 2 doors...the one to his room and the one to Matt's bathroom. How did I come to discover this??? Well I could hear him oohhing and aahhing and being completely pleased. I "thought" that he was watching his favorite show Blue's Clues. Those are the typical sounds that he makes when he watches his show. But then...there was splashing... It took a second for that sound to process in my mind and sink in before I screamed..."OH NO..." Yup, he was playing in the toilet water! Ugh! All I can say is thank goodness it was flushed. He was having the time of his life and I was mortified! He's all scrubbed down now and I learned my lesson :)

Now on to a short update... Brayden is now waving bye-bye. He doesn't actually do it to anyone or on cue. He does it while he's eating. I guess it's bye-bye to the grub?!? He took a step to me on Saturday night, but nothing since then. It's getting close.

Natalie is just going out of her mind since we STILL haven't gone to see the new Harry Potter. I've promised her that we will go, just not exactly sure when yet. Still no sports yet. Sign ups for softball will be in January sometime. For now it's art only and she's just loving it!

Matthew is counting the days till his next b-ball practice. He told me last night "Mom, just 2 more days..." This being out of the blue I said "just 2 more days till what buddy?". He replied quite enthused "Just 2 more days till practice!"

Gotta run. Hope you all have a great week!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My big fat Pollock mouth

I have a dear friend that put up a post that she has since had to delete. I hate that this had to happen and I really hate that she might have had to delete it cause of me. It was about how many retailers are going to discontinue with "Merry Christmas" and go with "Happy Holidays". Kim was very sweet in saying that she first got upset cause "he's the reason for the season" and that is seemed like we slowly but surely are getting away from that year by year. She then stated that she put some thought into and started thinking that we (Christians) aren't the only ones celebrating a holiday this time of year and that other religions are getting "left out" but saying the term "Merry Christmas". So she then felt bad by having her first negative feeling about this whole retailer ordeal.

Well...me and my big mouth felt we need to give her some backing. I probably didn't say things as eloquently as I should of, but I was a little fired up by a comment someone left her (that I took as negative towards her and Christians). I stated that "facts are facts and Christ was born and that's why we have this holiday...Period". Welll....yeah...I know...we're "supposed" to try to stay away from religion and politics..yadda-yadda. But, you know what?? It's just gotten to when almost everytime you turn around someone's trying to take out another reference of/to God from our schools, government,...MONEY! It's just getting nuts and I truly feel that this is gonna lead to a major downfall for our country.

Nothing I've mentioned is "News". And people have gotten fired up over religion (or lack there of) for ages. But today it involved my friend. A genuinely GREAT, LOVING person and that really hit home. She was just trying sweetly to touch on a topic and it backfired...possibly, probably because of me. And sweetie, I'm sorry. Most of the time when I think I'm doing what's best by "defending" a loved one...what I'm really doing is making an ass out of myself...Oops :0 This was not my intent.