Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yowza am I behind....

So sorry for my leave of absence. It's been kinda crazee around here! So if you have time...get comfy cause this is a LONG one!

3 weeks ago today we put our house on the market. We got an offer on Monday!! Unreal! This house was not "supposed" to sell for possibly 6 months cause it's the wrong time of year to sell AND cause of the dirt road. But we definitely defied the odds. So on Dec. 6th we are moving to the west side of Decatur to a beautiful wooded subdivision. I'll attach the picture from, but I don't think it will come out very good.

The kids are excited and happy to learn that they don't have to change schools. And they are both at the age that, that is something VERY important to them. And we respect that :)

Another part of the craziness that's been going on around here has been me! Back on 9/20 I started this funky skin rash thing. I passed it off as bug bites for several days, but then it started to all get a bit out of control. I went to the first dr. and she told me it was filliculitis (sp?) (something that everyone gets from shaving at one point in their lives), just a more severe case than usual. She put me on steroids and it all seemed to get better. Then, a week later it all flared up again...and with a vengeance AND with some new funky symptoms. So I popped into the Minor Emergency Clinic on Denton and the guy said that the stuff on my legs was a bad staph infection, the stuff on my arms was chicken pox?!?!?, and that all of this was affecting my heart (the funky symptoms I mentioned) and that I needed to get an EKG ASAP! Scared the crap out of me, Jim and my parents! Deep down I knew that my heart was fine, but that dr. had me worried that I just didn't know my body that well. My EKG test all came back fine. That dr. said that the steroids that the original dr. put me on were too big of a dose and that caused the heart issues. He said that what I had on my arms and legs was staph, NOT chicken pox! He tells me to follow up with my regular dr. in a day or 2. I don't have a regular dr., so I opened the phone book and tried to find a dr. that didn't just scream out "QUACK". So I go to the (hopefully non-quack) dr. 2 days later and he says that I have a bad staph infection that has gotten into my blood stream and I need some antibiotics strong enough to kill it, but with my long allergy list it was gonna be tough. He really was kind of a jerk and really didn't seem to want to have to deal with me. He tells me to take what he's prescribed along with what the hospital dr. prescribed and I should be fine in about 5 days. By day 5 things were sucking petty bad so I went to a dr. I used to go to back when we lived in Justin. In high hopes that he will figure this crap out!!!!!!!! He tells me that the boils on my arms should have been tested for staph and couldn't figure out why no one up to this point hasn't tested me for staph. Since none of my lovely boils were oozing when I saw him, he couldn't get a sample. He just went under the assumption that I had a resistant strain of staph and that if he gave me a shot of steroids mixed with some other stuff that would help the antibiotics get to infection better. Within 30 mins I felt like a million bucks!! No redness, itching, inflammation!! Woo Hoo, I'm healed!!! Then 4 days later it's all freaking back on my arms (legs are still good minus one smal boil). So I call my guy in Justin last Friday and they are out for the weekend. So I call the jerk dr I went to before the Justin dr. and he tells me I need an additional antibiotic to kill this staph. He just call in the meds and tells me to expect my sweat and other fluids to turn red. But it's normal. Thru the weekend I got increasingly dizzy, sick to my stomach, I couldn't keep a straight thought, and my joints and head killed! By Monday I was in bad shape and the bumps on my arms were the least of my worries. So I went to another new dr. and just prayed that THIS time I'd found the guy that was finally gonna help me! He DID! He told me that all the combined meds that Ive been put on thru the last several weeks were making me have all these side effects. He told me to discontinue all of them right then and that this stuff on my arms is not staph and the stuff that was on my legs was not staph. He told me that I needed to get to a specialist ASAP and he got on the phone right away to try to get me into one of his friend in Ft. Worth. That dr. said get down there in a hour and so we were on the road. That dr. confirmed that everything over the weekend that I was experiencing was all drug side effects. And that I don't have and never did have staph. That is itself was the BIGGEST relief EVER! I'd been washing everything I touched daily, bleaching, cloroxing everything I came in contact with. Keeping the kids at bay so I didn't infect them. Jim sleeping in another bed so I didn't infect him. Covering up in long sleeves in 88-90 days so I didn't get stared at in public!!! It has been soooooooooooooo frustrating. And with that one sentence I felt so much freaking relief. Just knowing that I wasn't contagious...whew! That dr. was so sweet. He grabbed my arms and rubbed up and down on them and said "see, I'll even tough you" :) They took some biopsies of my arm and threw some really big words at us. But bottom line was..he said "I will find out what this is!" We will go back on Monday and get my test results and stitches out. But ya know, I don't give a crap WHAT those results say cause I feel SSSOOOOOOOOOO good now. Nothing hurts, nothing's itchy (he gave me stuff to put on the bumps), I'm not foggy head anymore, and I AM NOT CONTAGIOUS!!!!!!

Told you this was gonna be long!

In other news, Nat did GREAT in her last CC meet. She finished in the middle of the pack and there were still girls finishing well past 10 mins after she finished!! Still doing art and piano. She'll have another recital in a few weeks and I can't wait to she how much she's improved :)

Matthew has made the UIL Number Sense team!! We are so proud of him...and he's pretty proud of himself :) Jim and Matt also just got back from their annual trip to the dunes in Kermit. They had a good time and NO ONE needed stitches...woo hoo!

Brayden is 2! And some days he is REALLY 2!!! But he's also become one smart little toot. He can count to 6! English and Spanish....thank you Dora and Deigo!! And last night he was recognizing the 4-5 primary colors. And he talks so floors me some days how well we communicate! Then there are the melt down days when our communication breaks down to just screaming....ack :)

And in sad news, Jim's Pop passed away on the 4th and his services were on the 6th. Cancer won again :( I talked to Jim's Mom yesterday and she is doing good. And I pray each day that the rest of the family, especially his Granny are coping ok.

Future news...we are going back to the beach next Thurs - Monday. BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!

I think I covered all the news since I last blogged. Hopefully I didn't miss anything. If I did, I'll make up another blog later this week.