Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tree People, Snow Beasts, and 36 years of marriage!

Like that title??? It's a lot like my life...all over the place :)...and I love it!

Starting off with the Tree People. These pictures took place at my parents weekend before last. Nat started the tree climbing, and Matt couldn't be sized HAD to climb! Plus, as you'll see, Brayden was armed with a the tree was really the only safe place for them :)

Speaking of my parents....HAPPY 36th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats and THANK YOU! THANK YOU for loving each other as much as you do and for giving us kids such a great picture of what marriage should be!

Now onto the snow beasts! Surely by now you've read my freaked out ramblings about the snow storm...if not, see the post below.

Here are some shots of the kids playing in the snow:

This was taken while it was still snowing. And that baby was having a time trudging thru that deep snow...but he was loving it!

This is the next day and he was ready to hit SOMETHING with a snowball. truck took a beating :)

Matt was undecided on "...make a snowman, or pelt someone with a snowball??" We ALL know what choice the boy made :)

The next day we made REAL snowcones. That I must say my pickle snowcone was GR8! Matt choose a gatorade one.

She's a beauty alright!

This was Nat's proud creation! Brayden helped :)

We will be gone starting Friday thru Monday the 24th on Spring Break. Plus my computer's going to the doctor while we are out. So, you won't hear from us for a while. Get ready for a post FULL of pictures from our trip when we get back. Hope you all have a great Spring Break!

Thursday, March 06, 2008


It's is now 12:45pm and NO JOKE...1 hour ago there was NOTHING on the ground! Now we have 2.5" inches of snow. And what's crazy... I took this picture (below) came in the house, uploaded it, opened blogger anouther 1/2" has fallen. It's NUTZ!

This is one excited little guy!!! He's hollering SNOW!

He's having a hard time focusing on lunch. This is quite a show outside.
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UPDATE: Just since writing this blog we are at 3.5" and it's NOT letting up. I gotta go get kids from school. This is crazeeeee!

1:50pm UPDATE: There's now 5" on the ground. I can't get out of the subdivision!!! ..and I can't get to my kids. THANK GOD for Jim :) THANK GOD!! there is seriously 15 cars piled into each other on one hill...that I thankfully was about to back away form and not get stuck. And 5 car's piled into each other at the other entrance. So I AM freaking right now...and not just cause I'm a woman and can't drive. This is bad crap. Jim's at a stand still on 380 and can't even get to the kids. .............and it's STILL not letting up. Please pray that my family gets home ok.

3:10pm UPDATE: We now are at 7.5" of snow..........and it's still going!! but it does appear to be lighting up. Just talked to Nat and they are close to the turn in to our subdivision. Tehy are in the home stretch. Thank you GOD!

3:51pm Update: They are home. Roads are now slushy and in much better shape. Here's some newer pics with the 8" of snow!

***OH, and see below for the post I did yesterday..........

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Matt's B-ball pics...FINALLY always, I'm running a bit behind on posting. But here they are finally....some pics from Matt's last b-ball game. They had a GREAT season. They only lost twice out of 7-8 games. And the losses were not from lack of hustle or effort! These boys hustled!!! Matt did an awesome job this year. He did awesome at defense and was much more aggressive. And made some baskets along the way :) We are very proud of him!!

Yes, Brayden made it into the b-ball pics cause on THIS particular day he wanted his picture taken. And if you've read any previous know that this DOES NOT happen often!! :)

I have some more pictures to share either later today or be on the look out :) Have a great day!