Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I wanted to post this Friday but got sidetracked....huh, imagine that :)

I was elated on Friday morning because I saw something on the scale that I haven't seen in a least 6 (possibly 7) years. I am offically in the 150's! 159.4!!! And that's the what my title is about...I'm finally at 159....I've lost 32lbs....and I have 10lbs to my goal!

I really wasn't sure that this would ever happen, but I am so happy that it has. Not for vainty, but because all this hard work is finally paying off.

Thanks for letting me share my happy news with you :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stealing from Kim

Ok, I'm stealing a great idea from Kim. She had all her nieces and nephews line up according to age. I just loved it and have wonted to copy that idea for some time. So while at the beach I FINALLY remember and here ya go:

In order from left to right: Wesley (not shown but in our hearts is in Las Vegas doing his residency/internship...not sure of the proper term), Jordan (16), Krista (16), Taylor (15), Lorrin (15), Laura (14), Natalie (13), Matthew (10), Tyler (10), and Brayden (3)

Here's a shot of me and my siblings (not in order of age):)

From left to right:
Karen (in all our hearts and in the sea behind us :)),Billy, Me, Cheryl, and Debbie

I'll post more pictures, but here's a start. If you didn't read my explaination for the picture delay...see blog below.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

...they are coming...I promise :)

The beach pictures are coming...I promise. They just take time to load and I haven't made time to do it yet. Heck, my pictures from Spring Break STILL aren't in the photo album yet!!!

But for's what's been going on at our house....we've been busy bees!

Takes dance every Monday in Denton. Then has private lessons every Wednesday. Yesterday we had her ortho appt and found out she has roughly 8 more weeks till she's in a retainer...woo hoo! She alternates Wednesday's with Matt working in the softball concession stand from 6:30ish - till 10:30ish. She goes to youth group on Sunday evenings and will go camping with the youth group this Sun-Tues at Lake Whitney. She still takes art once a week, but is taking the summer off on piano. But she practices everyday :)

This week he's in a day camp at the library. They do a scavenger hunt thru books to earn video game reward time. Today the "shake lady" came and they also got a lesson on snakes and bugs. This afternoon he'll have his first guitar lesson! He's also taking art once a week. He will have a day camp next week at the Sheriff's Dept. called the "CSI camp". He's also been a tremendous help in keeping the yard mowed!!!

No camps or classes. But he is having dental work done this Thursday for the 2 front teeth he broke on his 2nd b-day party. They have decayed up into his gumline :( He also has a cavity in a molar. Other than that he has been one healthy boy! And is is completely over the gugga!!! AND he had been in underwear for over a week and only had 2 accidents...AND....drum roll please....he stands when he potties!!!

Work ,work, work....softball concession stand...and some more work. He'll be going out to Midland after Brayden's dental work on Thursday to be with his Dad. James will be having angioplasty done on Friday. Please keep him in your prayers.

Official bus driver of the Berryman kids :) Still working out 5-6 times a week. I've now lost 31 lbs and 11 lbs from my goal!!

Hope you all are having a great summer! I WILL post pictures from the beach soon :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


15 years today!!!! Many, many people made bets that we wouldn't last 15 mins :) ...not to say that Jim and I do things out of spite....... ;)~~~

We've had far from the fairytale version of a marriage. We've had our rocky times, but we've learned something from each of them. We growl and snarl at each other, but it's never meant that we don't love each other. Don't think we've ever had it in us to be all kissy poo or "I love you Suger Lips". We've been more like "get the heck over here so I can hug your stubborn a--" :) .....and that works for us! How do I know???

15 years!!!

...that's how I know :) I love you Jim. Thank you for your love, understanding, and patience! I seriously would not want to have spent the past 15 years with ANYONE else and I look forward to the next 15x15x15 years with you. And I'm REALLY looking forward to cruising on the SS Happy :)

**I did a post yesterday about Matt and the deer. Check it out if you haven't already.**

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Matthew and his pets :)

Matthew has mentioned many times that he'd like to shoot a deer. But I think his Mom is starting to wear off on him :) Each time he's mentioned that he'd like to shoot one, I've been saying (along with "NO!")..."wouldn't you rather have one eat out of your hand, or pet one?"

A few times a week Matt will go and put corn out for the deer. And by doing that, he's getting the deer really comfy and cozy in our back yard. They'll even bring out the new baby twins deer...and all just come and lay down in our back yard. It's really cool! They'll even hang out with him while he's mowing!!!

This past weekend Matt was allowed to buy a pellet gun. I was really worried that his kindness towards the deer was going to quickly fade. But, my fears are a thing of the past (for now :)). Yesterday, Matt was outside shooting his gun. He put it up when he saw the deer and went to go get the bucket of corn. When the deer saw the bucket....they came cows do!!! It was hilarious. The deer were running towards Matt and he was running towards the garage to get more corn :)

He went and got a chair and sat in the middle of some trees and sat for a good 30 mins just as still and quite as he could (which all of you who know Matt, know this is QUITE a feat for him!) with the corn in his hand...hoping they'd come eat out of it. And he WAS tempting them. You could see it in their eyes that they wanted that corn!!

In this picture you can't see them, but the 2 babies are just to the right of Matt and back a little bit. The adults really want to eat out of Matt's hand, but their instincts are telling them not to. Hopefully, Matt can get the babies to give in...if Momma deer would just buzz off :)

I know I still need to blog about the beach, but this was so cool that I just had to share it.