Wednesday, August 27, 2008

34 years and 295 days!

I almost made it 35 years....almost. Yesterday was 34 years and 295 days that I have gone with ZERO cavities! Dang... I now have 4. I know that's diddly. But I thought that I'd actually be able to always say "I've never had a cavity." Guess all those years of never flossing finally caught up to me. I'm such a terrible example to the kids. And I hadn't been to the dentist in 6-7 years. So when the big kids asked me at their last dentist visit how come I never go....I figured it was time that I set a better example. I haven't told the kids that I have cavites yet, but I'm sure when I do they'll really let me have it :)

In other news....

Both big kids had another great day at school. Matt also had his 1st baseball practice and he's ready for some games!!!

Today is my Sister-In-Laws birthday. And even though I know she doesn't read my blog....HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANDA!!!! If you know her number, give her a shout today. She'll be celebrating this b-day without Bobby this year since he just left out for his two weeks "on".

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

...Aaannnddd there offff.....

Yesterday was my big kids first day of school...and they were pumped. They were both so ready for school, but not so much for the work aspect. They missed their friends and were getting quite bored with me and Brayden :) They were both such a delight yesterday (and today also) morning! Which is a great treat for me because I know that here in a week or 2 there will be the occasional snarling beast in place of these delightful children :)

Here are some shots that Jim and I took as the kids were heading off to school....

Do you see Matt's pets in the background???

I wasn't sure if Brayden would be lost without the big kids he had in previous years. But so far he seems to like having the house to himself.

He sure was happy to get the kids yesterday afternoon. He spotted Matt before I did as he was walking thru the mass of kids. And as I was asking Matt about his day, Brayden kept going "...ppsstt, hey, me...Brayden...your brozer" :) It was so cute! Matt told me he had a great day and that p.e. was gonna rock this year. No little baby stuff. "We're gonna have dodge ball, rock walls, dodge ball while on the rock wall, wrestling...."

Brayden was equally happy to see Nat. He squealed out "'s my sister!" She said that she had a great day as well and had a feeling that this was gonna be a GREAT year!

Here's hoping that day 2 is just a faboulous!! Have a great day! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Let me catch you up....

Ok, I'm behind as let me attempt to catch up...

I know I said I'd post beach pictures, and I would if it weren't so dadgum difficult to get them all on blogger. So, my solution is...come see us :) And then I'll show you them in person :)

At the first of this month we had the first ever Berryman reunion at my house. We had 30 people show up and it was really great! It was crazee hot outside, but I think everyone had a pretty good time....and there was lots of good food (major essential to a good reunion...right? :)) We were so happy that it all worked and everyone got to come that did. Hopefully we can do the same next year and have 30+ family show up.

Natalie - She is about 6 weeks away from getting her braces off, and her teeth look pretty! She is still dancing and has added ballet to her list. We will find out this evening at meet the teacher if she will be doing dance at school also. She's hoping it doesn't conflict with Theater Arts...cause she's really looking forward to taking that class. She will be starting back with piano and art the frist week in Sept. At that point she'll have something going everyday of the week!

Matthew - He is so excited to start baseball. They are still in the sign up process, so we don't know anything about anything right now. He now in his 5th week of gutair and he LOVES it. He's really catching on too. He's still in the basics, but he said he's getting close to the teacher teaching him a song. He will also start back with art in Sept. And his schedule is starting up to lookin pretty full too :)

Brayden - He is doing fabulous with his new teeth. We are so happy! And he's completely potty trained now and has been for several weeks. He got a mini soccer ball weekend before last and he is so cute with it. Might have a future soccer player in the house :) Yesterday he asked all day if he could play with the bubbles that he got for being a good boy at his post op check on his teeth. But it just kept raining. Finally I siad "come on" and we went to the front porch. He was so cute. His little face just lit up. YES...I should have grabbed the camera, but NO..I didn't even think about it. He played for a good 30 mins. So cute!

Last weekend we travelled to San Antonio for my sister-in-law Tina's b-day and her and Billy's 18th anniversary. I had this "great" idea to go to Sea World since Nat was 2 when we went last and the boys had never been. They were so excited to get to go and see Shamu. HA! So were all the other 2 million people!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a BAD sign when we got to the Sea World exit on Loop 410 and the car were back out onto the Loop! Not good at all!!! There was an obscene amount of people there and it was disgustingly hot. We took our time going from stop to stop...trying not to melt along the way... After lunch everyone was pretty much DONE and so I foolishly suggested that we go see Shamu's show before we leave. It started in 8 mins, but I thought that was plenty of time....NOT. We get there after fighting our way thru thte mobs of people and we are told that the stadium is as max capacity and that we should come back about an hour before the next show! That was like 3 hours away!!! So we left and I was very disheartened :( I wanted them to at least get to see one show. We walked by the other theater and it was closed down cause a baby belga had just been born. But we got to see Momma and baby and that was cool just to see them swim and play.

The next day they had Tina's party and Cheryl and her girls showed up along with Tina's Mom and Step Dad. Mom and Dad got to come dowm the night before since Dad got rained out. They made some VERY yummy food and there was CAKE! That makes a party a hit to me EVERY time :) We all had a great visit and it was a great weekend..even is Sea World was a bust.

We start school on Monday and I'm sure there will be lots to update next week. So for now, you are caught up on the month of August (all except the one weekend that we spent a retarded amoun of money on school shopping...but I don't want to go there :))

Hope you all have a great week and that you are geting as much wonderful rain as wer are!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ok, we got that over with!

Schewee!! The teef are done! Kinda stressful I'm telling ya. We got up at 4am yesterday and got to registration at the hospital at 5:30. When thru all that nonsense and they took him back about 7:15. The dentist said it'd take about 45 mins. Let me tell you when 45 mins comes and goes and no one's coming out to tell you get ansy! It ended up taking about 1.5 hours and I was about to get unglued! Then the dentist came out and I did all I could to hold back the tears. I'd never been so happy to see a dentist in my LIFE! He told us that he root canaled 5 teeth and filled 2 molars and he said that he went ahead and sealed all his back teeth...for free! This guy is the bomb I tell ya! I forgot to mention that when he came to see Brayden before the surgery he was so sweet and brought him a stuffed puppy dog!!! So when people ask me why we drive almost 40 mins to go to the dentist...THAT'S just one of the reasons why!

After the dentist talked to us we had to go back to the waiting room and wait till they removed the tubes from his nose and for him to ask for us. Shoot....the lady who finally came to get us didn't even have a chance to finish saying his first name and I was plowing thru her to get to my baby! I did all I could not to run back to him...I think Jim was in the same boat! We got back there and just broke down when we saw our limp, whimpery baby. I scooped him up and calmed him down. It probably took a good 30 mins for him to come to...then the Versed's (sp?)(they called it Giggle juice or baby Valium) after effects kicked in. He screamed for almost an hour. He was one po-ed baby. He wanted to be disconnected from all the crap he was hooked up to and he wanted it off RIGHT NOW! But they were trying to follow orders and not unhook him till they knew he could drink something and hold it down. Well, he wasn't do JACK till he got it was a screaming stand off. They finally caved and realized that we weren't joking when we told them that he won't calm down till you unhook him.

So we finally get him discharged after the whole nursing staff had had it with the noise. We get him in the car, start a movie, and get him some grub. ...then we got our baby back. And we've had him back ever since. Those drugs SUCKED! I'll never let my kids have that crap again...if it can be avoided!!

His teeth look great and he doesn't seem to have any pain with them. He lets me brush them and he doesn't complain at all! He's such a big boy! Here's the after shots:

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. That really means a lot to us that you love and care for our baby :)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


My baby boy is getting his teef fixed tomorrow. He'd broke 3 and chipped a few others at his 2 b-day party and they have since then started to decay. Neither the dentist or Jim & I knew it was as bad as it is. He's got more cavities in these few teeth than...well.. tooth! This was a complete suprise at our last check up. The dentist had scheduled him to come back in to get his broke/decayed teeth bonded and knew of only 1 cavity that needed to be filled. The plan was to give him a little gas in office and wham bam we are done. But as he got in there looking around, he said that there was an abcess and that's not good. He took some xrays and that's when we all just sat there dumbfounded!!! He's going to have 4-5 root canals and caps put on tomorrow. He will be put under about 7am and should be recovered by 12pm. The procedure will take place at Cooks Childrens Hospital.

I know that this is not that big of a deal and kids are put under all the time....but my baby hasn't. None of my kids have. I realize that we are very fortunate to not have had to deal with this before. But none-the-less, I am a bit worried about the being put under. I don't like that idea, but I know it has to be done or this is gonna get into his permanent teeth. But, if you don't mind...please say a little prayer for my baby tomorrow.

Here's the before picture:

I'll post the after picture and let you know how it went either tomorrow or Thursday.