Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What's going on...

Sorry I've yet to post pictures from Matt's party. But to be honest, I haven't even looked at them yet. I hope to do that this stay tuned :)

Here's what's been going on...

Natalie - Had her first pep rally last Tues. She was very excited and said they did really well. And here's the kicker...the principle only allows 2...yes 2!! peprallys a year. How odd is that? So she was bummed to find that out..I was to. Cause I didn't go to this past one cause I thought we'd have many more to get to go see. Plus, the jr. hill drill team doesn't perform at jr. high games. But, she is on the Jr. Dolls team and they are supposed to perform in at least 2 high school game half times. That I'm really looking forward to. She's really enjoying her advanced ballet classes that she's taking at the dance center. And she's loving the journalism "team". She has an official badge that she wears around her neck and that gives her permission to take pictures at school anytime anywhere!

Matthew - He is doing fantastic at baseball...and loving it. They had their first game weekend before last and Matt was the first kid to get a hit and he got an RBI! Of course this happens just as I was getting Nat from dance class and on my way back to the I missed it, but Jim got pictures for me. He has a game this Saturday and he's are we :) He's doing so good with guitar. He's so ready to start on a song and the teacher said he's ready. So hopefully at today lesson that's what they will work on. He's saving up all his b-day $$ so he can buy an electric guitar and amp...and he's just chomping at the bit to do this!!! He made the mural team at school. And from what I understand, they are going to be painting a mural on one of the walls at school. They haven't started yet, but this should be pretty cool.

Brayden - He has a new love...Thomas the Train and all his friends! He's watched Thomas for a while on DVDs, but now we are starting him a small collection and you'd think we gave him the world. Right now he has Edward, Emily, Elizabeth, and Duck. They are just the best ever. And to this little boy...choo-choos are IT! And they have been for a long time now. All the way back to the beginning of last school year when we used to got get Matt from school and the train would pass by as we were waiting in line to get him. At that time they were called Coo-Coos :)

There's a bunch more other things going on, but I haven't got that kinda time this morning. I'll try to get caught up on that stuff and Matt's party in a day or too.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Well it finally came (as Matt told me this morning)...he's 11! And I hope the boy has a WONDERFUL day at school cause yesterday was a bummer. His girlfriend said they should break up :( But I told him not to EVEN sweat it and not to let ANYTHING bring him down on his birthday. It might have been embarrassing, but I woke him up to me singing "Happy Birthday to youuuuu....". Then he got a candle in his cereal (very crafty I am ;). I was going to send him a balloon arrangement up to school, but I was advised that, that was NOT cool in 5th grade (...or so he said after I'd told him that I saw another boy yesterday come out with one. All fictitious of course, but I was tring to find out his thoughts on it :) I was hoping to have him picked up in a Limo after school and just taken to the house, but I can't get the people to answer the phone :( So tonight after his guitar lesson I told him that we would go to Yesterdays (a local 50's restaurant with a BIG dessert menu). There he may choose to have a dessert supper or have supper and dessert! That seemed to light him the fact that he'll get to open presents when Dad gets home :) Which I believe Matt can hold off on....but Brayden's just been beside himself with excitement. He can't wait till Matt gets to open his presents and have CAKE!! :)

Happy birthday Big Boy! We all love you bunches and hope you just have the best day EVER!!!! You really light up our lives and keep us laughing :) And you impress us daily with those super smart brains of yours. And you are just the BESTEST big brother to the crazy little miget!! Love you Buddy!

I'll post more about his party (that's on Saturday) later. Which we just found out is ALSO the day of his 1st baseball game. Don't know the time yet...nice!