Monday, July 25, 2005

Getting the "perfect" picture

I realize now how come professional photographers get paid so much! Especially when dealing with multiples in a photo shoot. I foolishly thought that when Kay (my mother-in-law) asked me to get a picure of the kids (before we left the reunion) problem. HA! To get them all to smile, a real smile, not a pained or forced smile..HECK for Brayden to even feel like looking at the camera. That was pure insanity. I clicked like crazy and took like 15 pictures in 5 mins and this was the best I got. They are incredibly beautiful kids and I love each of their little faces...don't get me wrong. I was just trying to get the "perfect" picture. Looks like Sears is gonna get my $$ after all!

Hope you are all having a GREAT Monday! Love - Angie


Kim :) said...

Oh I am with you on this one Angie! It is not easy getting my two children to stay still for pictures, much less three of them! I think you got a great shot though! The natural ones are most of the time the best ones!

The Oldies said...

I think it is a good picture. How can you go wrong