Wednesday, July 20, 2005


As most of you know...Jim pretty much cover all the details of our daily life. I'm just gonna fill in the holes :)

Thanks to my good friend Kim, I'm able to blog again. The first one was pretty much a rant...this one will be much nicer.

We are all really enjoying the pool, even Brayden. He's learned that it's pretty fun to splash his little fat hand in the water. It starts off pretty slow and then he just wigs out and both hands are just going 90 mph! Then he starts to spit and sputter since he's now drank 1/2 the pool. It's really funny. Nat and Matt love the slide. They resemble a pelican diving into the water. If you've even seen this, you know that is is far from a graceful thing. They are just so funny.

We got the sand box area all weeded and cleaned up so the kids routine is to swim first and then go play in the sand box. They love it also. They'll play until sunset. I thought it was all sweet how they were playing together last night in the sand box. I was in the house occasionally looking out to just make sure things were ok. Well I'm not sure at what point all the sweetness melted away and turned to crap... I look out again at my darling little angels to see Nat sitting on top of Matt (Matt being face down in the sand). Nat is taking a bucket and trying to cram it on Matt's head...and YES it was full of sand. Matt is flailling(sp?) his arms and legs in the air. Which this lead me to believe that it was not his choice to be pinned like this. She continues to pour sand on his head and begins to bouce up and down on his back. I ask Jim if he could go assess the situation. Things went real bad after that and it became bed time. It was not funny at the time...but it's hilarious now...I kinda feel like white trash thinking this is funny..oh well.

Besides the every day attempts on each other lives...the kids do have other hobbies...

Nat is taking art classes. She's so artistic and creative, so we wanted to find something that would encourage this. She just got finished making a fish out of clay. I'm very anxious to see it. I've seen what the other kids have done and these aren't pre-k modleing clay fishes...these are teh "real deal". She'll work with white charcoal and black paper scketches (sp?) next. She's also our little mommy to Brayden. And she really does enjoy it...Brayden does too. There was a rolling off the bed incedent (sp?)...but stuff happens and they're best buds again. We are both gonna miss her when school starts (me and Brayden that is).

Matt's anticipating his b-day (Sept. 3rd). Each day he discusses his b-day and what he'd like to have. Matt actually has several topics each day that he discusses with me as I type away at work. One such topic was, when he grows up he wants to be either a policeman or a billionaire. I told him that he could be a cop, but he'd have to promise not to get hurt and not to chase bad guys. He basically told me not to sweat it...but to make me happy he'd just go ahead and be a billionaire. I said that, that was alway the safe choice. He said he'd build a mansion in London and he'd live there with his wife and kids and that Mom, Dad, Nat and Brayden could come live with him. Now that's love! The child has more stories than I can tell at this time...but there will be other blogs :)

Brayden's becoming more and more like Matt. He's such a comedian. He love to make you laugh and to have you do something to make him laugh...or to just laugh at himself! He's getting a lot more blonde hair and the eyes still appear to be hazel. He'll give kisses (an open mouthed lean)...when he feels like it. He can sit up and support himself a bit...before falling over. He says "ba-ba-ma" which we're pretty sure is: ba-ba = bottle, ma = Momma...which all equals to "Mom I want the dang bottle". He's been feeling really good and been sleeping really good so everyone's happy with that!

I'll stop now cause I'm really rambling. I'll be shorter..I hope tommorrow.


Kim :) said...

I agree with Billy, you aren't rambling at all! I enjoyed very much reading around the kids. I never get tierd of hearing about that. And I again agree with Billy some of the things your children get into only your friends and family can believe! Love those Kids!!

The Oldies said...

All I want to know is what did matt do to bring out this othewr side of my darling little grandchildren

The Oldies said...
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