Monday, September 19, 2005

Another Great Family Weekend

Well we wrapped up another great family weekend. We went to Midland to celebrate Delaynee Mae's birthday. It is actually on the 3rd (same as Matt) but Bobby and Chanda were just getting moved in and getting everything painted that weekend, so they postponed it to give themselves a chance to finish up. They have a beautiful home!

We left out on Friday (later that usual...go figure) and along the way Jim got a delightful call from Carrie (his cousin that has been made "homeless" due to Hurricane Katrina). She told Jim that her and her family will be moving to the Metroplex. We are so excited. This will really be great. She'll also end up being a little bit closer to her Mom and Sister AND this will get her away from any coastline!! The next day me, Nat, and Brayden got to go to Bailey and Chloe's soccer games. Both girls did just great. Bailey is really an incredible player...and VERY aggressive! Chloe was very fun to watch...very entertaining! I encourage anyone who can to go watch these girls play, to do it:) That evening we went to Delaynee's birthday party at good ole Chukie Cheese's. It was a fun party for the kids and the adults had a nice time visiting. When it was time for cake Chloe was sitting next to me. When it's cake time Chuckie comes out..this was NOT cool with Chloe...or several of the kids. Chloe starts leaning really close to me and whispers "Chuckie's kinda scary"...this was so cute, but she was SERIOUS! So I told her that it was ok and that we'd keep that rat on the far end of the table!! When I look up again I notice that all the kids (pretty much 5 and under) were slowly moving towards the opposite end of the table as Chukie. Just why'd they had to bring that rat out!!?? Then Chuckie went away and all was good again!

That evening we watched Napolean (sp?) Dynomite. OH MY!?! There are parts in that movie that will make you laugh so hard you cry and other parts that leave yuo saying ..."What the.." Everyone should watch it at some point. It's "SWEET" :) Oh man... The sleeping arrangment that night was Me, Jim, and Brayden in the guest room. Nat and Bailey in Bailey/Chloe's room, and Bobby, Chanda, Delaynee, Chloe, and Matt in Bobby and Chanda's ginormous room!! The next morning Bobby and Chanda said the woke to Matt telling Chloe some TALL tales. Like the time he was bit by a rattlesnake...but only with one fang and that's how he's alive today!! There were many others, but we just don't have that kinda time. If you know Matt, you get the jist.

Before heading home the kids and Jim went to visit James and they got to ride in his jeep and make braclets. We ran and got a bite to eat and then did a quick photo shoot of the kids. When I get the pics from Bobby and Chanda I'll share some.

We finally got home about 8:30. We showered and headed to bed. We were drained, but it was a fun weekend!


Kay said...

Great story. I wonder how many times poor Matt will be bitten by that one fanged rattler? Can't you just see Chloe's eyes? Enjoyed our visit. Love, K


I like reading Jim's blog and then reading yours -- get more info... hahaha Glad you all had a great weekend and Love ya bunches

P.s. I am glad you were inspired to write as well!!!


angie this is scott writing
The movie Napolean Dynamite is a weird, kinda funny, stupid movie but you have to laugh at it because of that. My opinion of course. I like reading about everything. I'm glad yall had a gr8 time. Bye for now oh and hello Jim bob.

Kim :) said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend had by all! Glad you guys were able to make that trip. Give our love to the family!