Thursday, September 08, 2005

Catching up

Well it's time to catch up again. Not a whole lot has happened, but I figure some cute pictures will make up for it :)

Natalie's been doing GREAT. Her math teacher told her she's doing the best out of ALL the 5th graders. She's now getting to decorate her fish that she's made at art school. We are very ready to get to see it. She's been in TOTAL control anytime she's had any "break thru" episodes...she's really a remarkable kid. And she's just as beautiful as ever!! The photo shown above was taken by the very talented Kim Halfmann..thanks Kim :) (Sorry it's so small...don't know why...)

Matt is now 8. He had a great time at his party and it was hard to get him and Nat to want to leave. He had a good turn out of friends and that was fun for him...especially since his kindergarten girlfriend (who still lives in Justin) came. Hanna is still the "apple of his eye". His face was priceless when he heard her mom on the anwering machine saying that she could come. He said "REALLY?? She came come?" Then he got to talk to her when I returned her Mom's call and they were both on cloud 9! Here's a picture of him performing his new talent....

Brayden can now pull up, as you can see here. He's very pleased with himself. He's also been saying Da-da for about a week now. This really make Jim's day:) He also says "yeah-yeah" which I think might be his way of saying "Na-na". I told Nat to just keep saying Na-na and I bet that's what it turns into. He's just as funny as ever and is getting more curious by the day. I've found that my house (my floor) is no where near as clean as I thought it was. Sweeping and vaccuming (sp?) are now becoming daily chores instead of weekly or bi-weekly.

I'll end with this picture. Kim also took this one and it's just precious!!

Hope you are all having a good week - Angie


Jim said...

Ha Ha, you got spammed!


Why do people comment on our blogs that is so weird.. I am glad that the kids are doing great hope you have a great weekend


my aunt pam wanted me to give you her blog address too -- don't know why but here it is

I guess since we are related she thought she may have some news you all wanted to know!! hahaha

The Oldies said...

Good job Nat. And what's up with Matt? Thinks he is a monkey? beautiful family.

Kim :) said...

Great to see you post again! The children sound like they are doing wondrefully. Glad to hear that Brayden is now saying DaDa, I know you were really working on that with him.

Have a super weekend guys!

The Oldies said...

In the last picture of Brayden is he looking up at his big brother and saying I can do that.