Thursday, September 22, 2005

Good Looking Kids

Here's my favorite picture from our little photo shoot at Bobby and Chanda's on Sunday. I must say...those are some GOOD LOOKING kiddos :)

Here's a family portrait Matthew style :)

If you will recall a few blogs ago I posted a picture of Matthew doing this exact same thing. What's funny is we had no clue that Bailey was a monkey also!! I was just scrolling thru some of their old pictures and came across this one and just started laughing! Yes, I realize that these are not the 1st kids to ever do this...but it's funny that we both had pictures of our kids doing this. I thought Matt was the only monkey in the family :)

As far as "news" goes...I got a delightful call from Carrie (mentioned in last post and on all of Beth's posts...look at her blog sometime. The link is on the right side of my blog). Her and her family are moving to the Dallas area within the next 2 weeks. Her hubby will work in either the Plano or Galleria store. She'll work the Dallas area. We are just so happy to have them coming our way!

The latest hurricane has effected (or affected, I need a grammer lesson) another one of my family members. My sister Karen is just now getting to take her summer vacation at Port Aransas. She and Mark headed down this past Saturday and had to evacuate yesterday. She did at least get to have a few days down there...but she's a lot like me...she could stay there a month and still want more :) I tried to get her "reasonable" tickets to Vegas (for the remained of her days off), but that's not gonna happen on such short notice. She hopes that they'll maybe get to go in October. And, Chanda's Aunt and cousins that live in Galveston were all evacuating yesterday also. She said some of them might come her way...and let me tell are SAFE from a hurricane in Midland, TX!!

Kids are all still just doing great! Nat had a rough night last night. She had to write 100 (2 line!!) sentances cause some boys in her class acted up in the library. Now I'm not one of those Mom's that thinks my kid is a total angel, but Nat is a good kid and is equally great at school! AND she was testing on the computer while this whole thing happened. She cried quite a bit and I was torn. I really wanted to go tell the librarian to stick it...and I still might. But I know that crap like this happens to all of our kids and it happened to me in shcool too. The bad thing was that she had to finish a project for Social Studies and still do her nightly 30 mins of reading. She didn't finish writing the sentences till 7:30 (and that was with only a 30 min supper break). I felt bad for her so I let her listen to Harry Potter on CD while she soaked in my tub. How do you explain or justify such an unfair thing to a kid...when you think the teacher/librarian was totally wrong?? HELP!

Matt's doing better towards the end of the week. He got a yellow at school on Monday...which it not that big of a deal, but he lied and said he got green and then erased..or tried to erase the teachers note. So, a week grounded from TV and video games. But he's been working really hard, cleaned his room (which was a MAJOR chore), and being early release for good behavior.

Brayden's just doing something new everyday. Yesterday I found another bottom tooth. He's pulling up and anything he can and he's started to do a semi-bear crawl. VERY FUNNY to watch him hike that little bootie up in the air! And I've added a new daily chore for my self...find the hidden spit up in the floor!! Not such and easy chore when you have spit-up colored carpet :) I just stay barefoot and hope that it's only me that steps in it.

Well that's my updates for now. Hope you all are having a good week!


Kim :) said...

what wonderful pictures!! Your photo shoot was a success it seems!!

{{Hugs}} to Natalie!! When Kelsey was in 4th grade she was getting in trouble non stop. We finally came to the conclusion that it really wasn't all Kelsey! (she was causing some problems, but not all of them.) It isn't easy making sure they know that they better NOT be doing this or that, and still tell them to let it go.

Thanks for the update! It is always wonderful to come over here and get to read about what is going on with you all.

Love ya!


Great pics ---

As for Nat - what was the teacher/librarian doing while the kids were acting up = not to know which child was acting up!!! I wouldn't have written them -- plus when we had to write lines it was in class while the other kids were doing there art project or story time. Not at home! Busy work is not for home!!!!!!

Matt -- be good!
Brayden keep up the good work at trying to walk!

Love ya Beth

Jim said...

Hey, how's that whole Matthew thing working out for ya? Jinxed it didn't ya?