Friday, November 04, 2005

Birthday Loot

I wanted to share the gifts that my sweet family got for my birthday. You've seent he picture to the left already, but you haven't seen it framed. Jim did all by himself! And the new picture to the right! The pictures are awesome and so is the framework!! Matt also had some art work that I framed up and gave to myself :) I love them all!! I also got the dvd of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Bo Bice's single cd, Gwenn Stephani's new cd, and the 1st season of The Amazing Race...which will be a gift to all members of my family :)

I was also presented with a funny card and a rice crispy square with a candle. It was a very sweet presentation and I am very blessed to have sucha a terrific and loving little family!

Thank you guys. Thank you Jim!! I love you :)

Also, thank you Billy for being so sweet to do a blog for me. You are a super-d-duper big brother and I love you too!! Thank you Mom and Dad for calling and singing me Happy Birthday...I loved it! Beth thank you for the funny b-day ecard. Karen - thank you for the very sweet ecard! I love you all so much and again..I'm just so blessed.


wes said...

Sorry I missed it. Happy b-day anyway.

SuburbanMom said...

Happy birthday!

those are beautiful gifts.


Beautiful pics Nat and Matt == wish I had one! hahaha

Man you should have named Brayden something with a T

It could have been Nat, Matt, and Brat hahaha!!

Glad you had a great birthday

Kim :) said...

I hope you had a fantatic day!! Looks like the family took very good care of you on your speical day. :) Love you!!