Friday, November 11, 2005


Boring title I know, but I really don't have much to report. I actually should be working, but I have the "don't wannas".

Took the baby back for his 3 month check up on his drifting eye problem. Things look good enough that we can still put off putting him in glasses, THANK GOD! The doctor still isn't sure what direction his eyes are gonna take and he said that's just how it is with baby's. Their little bodies are constantly changing and they can't tell ya much ..yet :) But things are good and I just have a felling he'll out grow it. His milestone for the week is standing on his own (without holding on to anything)! He's in to Stage 3 foods & loves biter bisquits(sp?)

Well Matt has once again had a good week at school and got the A/B honor roll. We are very proud of him and how much his behavior has changed at school! Him and Nat have been playing everyday afterschool with Bobby's old GI Joe stuff. It's so nice that they have something they can play and get along! Matt made Jim's day ysterday when he decided to start throwing around the football. Jim has waited a long time for this and was adament not to push the kids into any sport! So happy day for Dad :)

Nat's also doing great in school. She's also on the A/B honor roll. She's currently working on a tree in art class and I'm very anxious to see it! She said that this artwork will go to Granny Berryman. Nat has (for the time being) changed her mind about getting a horse and has really taken an interest in riding Matt's old 4-wheeler. So those to have a fun time riding back and forth to the pond most every day.

I will be heading out this weekend to to the first of many shopping trips for Christmas. I hope to be a little more organized and a little less frazzeled(sp?) We'll's my goal :)



I didn't know about Brayden's eye -hopefully he will grow out of it. Glad to hear that the kids are doing great in school. I am anxious to see the tree too! Glad that all is well in the Berryman house hold! Hopefully your Christmas shopping goes well.

Jim said...

Nat's tree looks awesome, I got a glimpse of it when I picked her up on Thursday. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Kay said...

Glad to know that Brayden is doing okay and that Nat and Matt are doing so well in school. Also glad to know the GI Joe stuff (there must be a ton of it) is being put to use. Bobby always loved playing with it. Can't wait to see the tree. Don't over do the shopping! Love, K

Kim :) said...

Sounds like the family is all doing well! I can't believe that Brayden is standing up on his own!! He is growing like a weed. GOO Matthew!! Glad to hear he has been getting good reports at school still and WOO HOO On the A/B honor roll!! Sounds like Nat is doing great in school too A/B honor roll is wonderful. Sounds like the tree art will be wonderful, if it is anything like her other art projects it sure will be!

Hope your holiday shopping went well!! I will be starting ours soon as well.
Love ya,