Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween

Here's some pictures of the kids dressed up in their costumes. I hope to eventually send them out via Shutterfly, but I tried to load them last night and this morning and it locks up. Guess there are lots of people wanting to share Halloween pictures.

Brayden is not really any one thing (except CUTE), he's just sporting his Thor jersey.

Nat is an Army Diva/Brat?? Her uniform says "Mjr. Flirt". She was just so happy to have something to wear her Go-go boots with!

Matt is none other than Darth Vader! He was very happy to get this costume. We really only lacked one part of it and that was the voice changer, but it was almost $30!! Sorry...not happening :)

They have a really good time and got a TON of candy in a very short time. We stopped by the fire station, went to a ritzy neighborhood, and went to the First Baptist Chruch's "Truch-or-Treat". Tons of people filled the parking lot with their trucks, SUVs, and a few cars. They decorated the backs of them and the kids just went tail gate to tail gate and loaded up. It was pretty neat and quick..which was good cause it was pretty chilly. Brayden camped out with Dad in the truck. No need to get him sick again. We ended the night with a wonderful dinner from good ole Sonic.



Glad you all had a great time!!! The kids are so cute!!!

Kim :) said...

Loved the pictures Angie! The kids looked great and sounds like they had a really good time. I see Matt and think.. "Luke, I am y our Father!" *laughing* Okay so that is the only line in that entire movie that I know. lol

Kay said...

They are so cute! I'm glad they had a good time. We didn't have any trick or treaters, being out in the country, but we bought candy anyway! Love Ya!!

The Oldies said...

Is the candy in the bowl on top of the fridge? i will be there to check it out