Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I need more hours in the day...

Ack...sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. It has just been really busy at my 8-5 job (S&S) since we are so shorthanded. I have been doing the job of 4-5 people for months now since we have had such a horrible turnover lately. They hire 3 people and it's like 2-3 weeks later they are gone for one reason or another. So my "light" days are a thing of the past. And the 2 guys that left S&S to start their own business have been really doing awesome, but since there's only the 2 of them they are really needing I've been doing contract for them also. It's quick easy money, but I typically can't work on that stuff till after 5. Plus the daily chores that need to be done around the house. Needless to say that's the reason for me not blogging so much. Right now I "should" be working on a house plan that I'm doing on the side...but, I really need some chill time.

And things are just gonna continue to get crazier. Matt will be starting Little Dribblers soon and he and Jim will be gone 1-2 times a week + we'll all be going to games. And there's all the fun of Christmas travel coming up. That will all start on Dec. 10 - the 1st of the year. Don't get me wrong...I love Christmas time and I LOVE spending time with all my family. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I just want so hard to try to make time for all that I need to do and again...there's just not enough hours in the day. But you know what? I bet I could make myself this nuts even if I didn't work. I think that this is all self inflicted. I want to have time to chill, but most of the time when I do get the time...I find laundry to do or floors to sweep..yadda, yadda. And Jim helps...don't get me wrong there either.

I know I have been blessed with a wonderful life and I wouldn't want things any other way....well except winning the lotto :) Sorry if this came off as b-tching. I guess I was just explaining my blog absence lately. I'll do better..later gators...


The Oldies said...

When you are thing to catch up on your house work, please don't sweep up my youngest grandson and put him in the trash. love you dad

The Oldies said...

That was suppose to say when you are trying to catch up.


I think he is way to large to sweep up! hahaha!! It's okay I haven't blog in a few days either. And better yet Carrie hasn't blog in so long that she went to do it the other night and couldn't get into her account because she can't remember her username and password!!!!

Kim :) said...

I hear ya sista!! I think we all could use a few more hours in our days. I don't think it was bitchy waht so ever! Not one bitchy word in that entire post! Don't be so hard on yourself. :) I say just remember that even with everything on your plate that you HAVE TO HAVE To take time out just for Angie now and then! Don't forget that part! If you do, then everyone will suffer, like they say..

If Momma aint happy. aint NOBODY happy!

Love ya!

Kay said...

Hang in there! When you get caught up, come over and help me! Naw, just bring the kids and let's play! Love Ya! K