Friday, November 18, 2005

Nat's tree/Matt's Robot/Big Baby Standing

Here's a quick blog to display just a few of my children's talents.

Matt worked a very long time on this robot. He said he's been working on it since my birthday. He (and we) are very proud of it :)

I told you about Nat starting her tree...well here it is. This is just amazing! I cannot believe MY child is this talented!!

I told you the baby was standing... well, here he is in all his cuteness. And I attached a couple more just to display his talent of being cute :)

Hope you all have a great weekend!



The Lego robot is awesome Matt!!! The Tree picture is unbelieveable! I just thought that I was artistic -- nothing compares to Nat!!! Also, great Job Brayden -- getting so Big!

The Oldies said...

Matt has always been very talented with the legos but Nat's picture is just beautiful,as she is. Now mr B. looks like he is saying pass me the ball big bro.

The Oldies said...

Matthew that is a great robot. I have a picture of the one you made for Grandpa and I. Good work

Nat that is a beautiful tree. Very realalistic. I never doubted that you could do it.

And Brayden grand ma loves you. But for gosh! sakes stop growing os fast.xoxoxo

Kim :) said...

Aww. loved seeing this post this morning!! Matt did a wonderful job on his lego robot!!

Nats picture is beautiful!! That girly has some talent! Goo Nat, Go!

Aww Brayden.. He couldn't be any cutier!!! And already standing.. wow, he will be RUNNING soon!!

Kay said...

The robot is very cool and Nat's art work is awesome! But, where did our baby go?????