Monday, November 07, 2005

Oh my...

I've always known that I am truely blessed to have the parents I have. ANY of my siblings will say the same. These are two remarkable people. And for anyone who knows their story, their background, their up know that my parents should NOT be the awesome people that they are. My Dad should be a "leaver" and my Mom should be an "alchie". Niether one should be the openly loving, caring, generous people that they are. I mean they'll just floor you...they just floor me. And I realize this as I get older and can truely appreciate what they have done/continue to do. I (like so many of us) went thru an awful stage where I didn't think that they knew much and thought I was pulling the wool over their eyes. OH NO...they knew! And you know what?? They still love me after that horrible stage in my life. Heck, Mom tries to tell me that she doesn't even remember that. I do! And I will forever kick myself in my butt for being like that.

What prompted me to put this "down on paper" was the unbelieveable thing that they recently did for me. As you all know, we were robbed and and most all of you know (cause I think I've mentioned it over a zillion times now), the bastard took my pearls. This just levelled me! As most of you know, it was my b-day on Friday. My parents came and stayed the weekend with us. Which that in itself is a gift! I really is. Well, they thought it necessary to bring me a gift. They handed me a large box and as I unwrap and open it ...ugh...tring to hold back the tears here....there is a smaller box inside that says Grader Jewelers...oh shit (any one of you by now knows by know where this is going). Yeah, the box contains a FULL stand of pearls. I AM FLOORED. ABOLUTELY FLOORED!! I just absolutely could not hold back the tears. You can't find the words to say at that moment...hell, I'm having a hard time with it now. All I could say was "thank you, thank you, thank you" and "this was too much".

These are my parents. The most unbelievable people I know. I love you guys...not cause of the gift(s), just you...I just love you! You guys are just unreal and I'm just so freaking blessed. I wish I could've put this into better, more eloquent words..but you just take my breath away! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kim :) said...

OH Angie, I have tears rolling down my face reading this!! That is a very very special gift of pure love. Your parents are awesome, I love them as if they were my own. They have always been so caring and loving to me and my family. We do some crazy things as children that our parents should disown us for, but as it seems they don't, instead they block out those bad memories and continue to love us unconditionally!


Ok I have chill bumps now -- that was such a sweet surprise.

Kay said...

What a wonderful gift! Bill and Barbara are truly special and I am glad to count them among my friends. I know you will treasure the pearls forever! Love, K

The Oldies said...

Thanks Angie, for being you.

SuburbanMom said...

Very cool.

Good parents rule.