Thursday, December 01, 2005

My big fat Pollock mouth

I have a dear friend that put up a post that she has since had to delete. I hate that this had to happen and I really hate that she might have had to delete it cause of me. It was about how many retailers are going to discontinue with "Merry Christmas" and go with "Happy Holidays". Kim was very sweet in saying that she first got upset cause "he's the reason for the season" and that is seemed like we slowly but surely are getting away from that year by year. She then stated that she put some thought into and started thinking that we (Christians) aren't the only ones celebrating a holiday this time of year and that other religions are getting "left out" but saying the term "Merry Christmas". So she then felt bad by having her first negative feeling about this whole retailer ordeal. and my big mouth felt we need to give her some backing. I probably didn't say things as eloquently as I should of, but I was a little fired up by a comment someone left her (that I took as negative towards her and Christians). I stated that "facts are facts and Christ was born and that's why we have this holiday...Period". Welll....yeah...I know...we're "supposed" to try to stay away from religion and politics..yadda-yadda. But, you know what?? It's just gotten to when almost everytime you turn around someone's trying to take out another reference of/to God from our schools, government,...MONEY! It's just getting nuts and I truly feel that this is gonna lead to a major downfall for our country.

Nothing I've mentioned is "News". And people have gotten fired up over religion (or lack there of) for ages. But today it involved my friend. A genuinely GREAT, LOVING person and that really hit home. She was just trying sweetly to touch on a topic and it backfired...possibly, probably because of me. And sweetie, I'm sorry. Most of the time when I think I'm doing what's best by "defending" a loved one...what I'm really doing is making an ass out of myself...Oops :0 This was not my intent.


The Oldies said...

Some times the harder we try, the worse it gets. As long as your friend knows that you care about her thats all that matters.

Jim said...

It's never happened to me, maybe you should have talked to me first. I'm about as non-confrontational as they come!

Oh yeah, F'em


Kim :) said...

OHHHH ANgie!! It was SOO NOT at all you!!! Please know that I loved your comment and the fact that you were ready to go to battle to defend me!! I love that about you.

As I emailed you (but that I would put here as well for others to know also.)

When I posted I was really being One Tracked minded. I was only thinking about signage in retails stores. It never even accrued to me to think about all the other rights as Christians that are being taken away daily.

I think of this time of the year as "Holidays" anyway between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. So I really never even put it all together with all the other things.

SO, instead of leaving my post up and leaving myself opened to more dumb ass comments like Mr/Mrs. Anonymous I just took it down.

It would take SOOO SOO Much more then you giving me your opinion on something for me to be upset with you. We all have our opnions and no matter if they are the same as mine or not (and yours ARE the same as mine on this issue btw.) So please, never hold back from posting on my blog how you really feel!

Love you sweetie!


I agree about the Merry Christmas -- he is the reason for the season and the only reason we celebrate it! Love ya