Thursday, December 15, 2005


Well I was floored today! As I mentioned a few blogs back, I do contract work on the side for some guys that I used to work with that started their own business. My blog at that time was mostly complaining about how I don't have enough hours in the day to try to do it all. But it's good, quick money..hell what money isn't good, right? Anyway, I just finished a very time consuming project and was really looking forward to this check. As I opened it I saw a sticky note on it...and it was covering the amount. The note says that they really appreciate all that I've done for them and that this check was for the hours I worked + a bouns!! I was stunned! I didn't expect this at all. It was such a wonderful suprise.

So...guess I'll contime to find the hours I need to get er done :)


Jim said...

How much did we get?

Kay said...

Great news! Nun ya - Jim! Love, K


Little Christmas cash is always nice! Congrats on the bonus!

Kim :) said...

Yeah!! that is wonderful. I am happy to hear that these guys realize what an asset you are to them! It is awesome to be rewarded like this, isn't it? ENJOY!