Monday, June 12, 2006

Catching up

Hope everyone had a great weekend. We did. We did tons of yard work that we'd been putting off for a while. But we had a swim party for the softball team and wanted to tidy up a bit before everyone got here. We had about 19 people show up on Saturday and the kids swam till dark. Matthew went to stay at Dillion's (Jim's other coach's son) and we got his sister, Jessica, and Jac. The girls were great and had a great time. Nat got swim ear and was hurting pretty bad around 3am, but luckily I still have some ear meds left over from my last swim ear.

Sunday we tried to do as little as possible. Got caught up on some of the shows we'd Tivoed and healthy as we could :) Jac stayed with us till after 5pm and then we went an blew our diets and had Chinese. It was great.

Nat will start her art classes again today. They've been out for about a month and I know she's ready to go back. This year our town is having tons of summer (day) camps. Some free, but others less than $50. So I intend on signing the big kids up for at least one each.

Matt was about to get to start racing his 4 wheeler again, but Jim just found out that they are not racing in Wichita Falls anymore. And he was really pumped too. I asked him if there was any other sports he'd like to do, but basketball and 4 wheelers are if for him. He does have the new neighbors to play with though. They are directly behind us and moved in the end of May. We had them and their Mom over on Friday to swim for a bit. Nat got ran out of the pool by the boys...or so she says. But Mat's been out numbered by girls in our family for a long time, so I didn't have too much sympathy for her. Besides, she started the whole splashing fiasco (sp?) :)

Brayden's getting funnier by the day. He's so animated...just like his brother! His newest words are "nope" (he'd been saying "no" for sometime now...), baby, and peas peas (please). He really enjoys the pool and loves getting to have more outside time..and freedom! We seem to have the whole food allergy thing under control. We still have him on soy, but that's cause he prefers it over whole milk. But he loves yogurt and cheese.

I don't have any funny tales to tell on the kids right now....but I'm sure they are just right around the corner. We head to the beach on the 23rd and we are just counting the days. We get to go for 11 days this year and it's gonna be great. Can't wait to see Brayden's reaction to it this year. My only concern is not burning my little snowball. The other two are already looking like coppertone models!

If you haven't already, go check out Wes's blog. He posted some really cool pictures from Germany. Have a great day!



When you go to the beach this year make sure that the kids don't drown Brayden again. HaHaHa -- I think that was probably your highlight of last year. Glad you are enjoying your pool -- wish we had one right about now - it is soooooooooooooooooooo hot!

Kim :) said...

Loved catching up on everyone! :) (I looked at your blog yesterday and this morning, but didn't see your post. Not sure why it wasn't showing up for me then? :( )

Sounds like the kids are having a wonderful summer. My kids seem to be as well. We have been on the go most of it already, and it doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon!

Y'alls trip to the beach will be wonderful, as usual. Can't wait to hear the stories when you get back!

Love you all!