Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Fun Father's Day

I was waiting for Jim to blog about this, but I'm bored so I'll do it :)

For Father's Day we took Jim to Denton Water Works. (It's a water park.) I was going to take him to NRH2O, but Denton's closer and Dad's got in free for Father's Day. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. The kids and Jim started right off for the slides while Brayden finished off his nap on my shoulder. The place is really laid out nice. They have several patio sets or picnic tables under awnings and several grassy areas to lay out a blanket or what not. The baby slept maybe 30 more mins then we headed to the lazy river. Brayden was very unsure about this and clung to me the whole time. We went around a few times and then Jim and the kids headed back to the slides and Brayden and I headed to the kids area. It only goes to 1.5 feet deep and has like a playground in the middle with all kinds of spraying things. The outside edge is just like the shore and Brayden liked that, not too overwhelming. He didn't care for the splashing and spraying. But that all changed by the end of the day. He started barreling thru everything. The spraying turned into a funny thing. It was great! I loved seeing all my kids enjoying their selves...even the biggest kid :) We did the river several more times and Brayden loved it more each time. The other two were born part fish, so I never worried about them. They did get brave and attempted the largest slide a few times.

Overall it was just a great time! The place is just the right size for you to feel comfortable letting the big kids do their own thing. It wasn't overrun with people. The waits didn't start for the slides till probably about 3ish, and even then they were bad at ALL! I'm positive that we will go back. We still might try NRH2O, but our first experience at Water Works will be hard to beat.


Kim :) said...

What a great time!! I'm glad you guys decided to do and it worked out so well. Got to love a place that you can relax and have fun!

Kay said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! I bet everyone just had a blast! And I bet Brayden will be half fish, too! Love Ya!


I wish we had a cool place like that = we have Watertown but they charge almost as much as Six Flags just to get in the stupid place and the lines are always toooooo long. Glad you all had a great day