Friday, June 23, 2006

Going Bye-Byes

As Brayden would say "go bye!" That's right we are gonna go bye as of 2-3pm (at the latest I hope :) WE are off to Port Aransas for our annual trip to the beach. We are all sooo ready. So needless-to-say, you won't hear from Jim or I until after July 4th.

On a side note, I have been following a story (since yesterday)that has really grabbed my heart. A family in Irving went to the park on Wed. (I think, or Tues) and they have a baby just a little older than Brayden and we wondered off and they still haven't found him. Up until yesterday afternoon, they didn't issue an Amber Alert cause there were no signs of foul play and they were sure he was just lost in the woods. Now they are think it was kidnapping. I just can't image losing my baby or ANY of my children. Ugh, it just chokes me up. But I can only pray that he's found and he's ok. So if your so might say a prayer for him and his family. Heck, that's all anyone can do now I guess. Sorry for the morbid topic, just really hit home for me.

Hope you all have a great and safe July 4th!

1 comment:

Pam Berryman said...

Aw, that's terrible, I haven't heard anything on that. I'll look it up right now and definetly lift them up in prayer. Man I hate those evil people that do that.
Have a great time.