Thursday, June 15, 2006


Brayden is no doubt like his big brother in many ways: his love of outside, playing in the sand, telling tall tales (even thought we may not understand WHAT he's saying yet). We let Brayden explore a little more of the backyard each time he goes out. He's now taken a true liking to the sand box. He practically has to do the splts to get in, but you can tell that to him it's all worth it! Here are some cute shots of the boys playing today. (Nat likes to play in the sand too, but she'd turned herself into a popcicle in the pool and was ready to go in.)

My boys :)

Here he is telling me one of his tales...

I think this "might" have been what he was telling me about in the last picture.

Matt's showing him how it's done..and Brayden's soaking it all in!


Kim :) said...

Oh Angie, Those are adorable pictures!! That little stinker is getting so big!! I could just squeeze him! He and his big brother are going to have loads of fun together I can tell! heck, they already are!

Thanks for the smile this morning, those boys are some of my most favorite boys in the whole wide world!

Love you all!


Cute Picks!!!!

Kay said...

What good pictures! Brayden has good teachers. I love the curls in the last pic. Love,