Monday, July 31, 2006


Well I learned that bigger isn't necessarily better! Most of you read on Jim's blog where I went into the hospital about 2 weeks ago. I was very adamant that Jim take me to the Presbyterian hospital in Denton, instead of the little hospital in Decatur. I'd heard to many horror stories about the Decatur hospital from the locals. I did have Brayden there, but that was the L & D side of it and not the actual hospital. Anyway, so he took me to Denton. While in the ER the doctor that saw me suspected my appendix. But when the CT scan showed fluid from an unknown source and he didn't see my appendix, he consulted the gynecologist and she suspected a ruptured cyst and that's what I was admitted and treated for. They even when as far as saying that I still had another cyst there. So for 2 days they pumped the strongest antibiotics they could in me and sent me home. I did start feeling pretty good and by the time my one week check up rolled around, I felt human again. So the doctor said to come back in 6 weeks and that she'd check up on the remaining cyst and to call her if I start to have pain again. I left there thinking that this was a done deal and all was good. I stopped the antibiotics she sent me home from the hospital with on the day after my one week check up (7/20).

Well that Saturday (7/22)when our good friends Kim, Gary, and family came to see us, poor Kim ended up being in some pretty serious tooth pain and for the time of night that is was...ER was her only choice. So I was again adamant that she go to Denton. Well as this transpired I started feeling on and off pain, but just dismissed it cause it had to be all in my head. The next day we went to 6-Flags and the pain was still off and on, but by the evening is was ON and stayed on for the next several days. I confessed to Jim on Wed night that I was just hurting and I didn't feel right. So I told him I was gonna try to go in the next morning to the doctor in Denton. By the morning I was really convinced that it wasn't in my head. Well the doctor in Denton couldn't see my till today and I said that I was hurting NOW and I'd just call my doctor in Decatur. I went in to see Dr. Campbell (who's the doctor that delivered Brayden). It told him about the hospital visit and the pain and the pain coming back. He listened to all the info and was confused as to why they thought it was a cyst and not appendix. I told him that the ER doc thought it might be, but the Gyno convinced him otherwise. He did a sono and confirmed that I had not cyst and that my ovaries and such looked fine, but there was this fluid that he couldn't explain. I told him that that's what they said about the CT scan earlier. By this time the pain was pretty strong and when he helped me sit up in the table I almost kissed the floor. He said that we weren't screwing around and that he need to do a scope and see what was going on. He had me the hospital I'm terrified of...right away. I begged that he not leave my side even if another doctor did the procedure. He promised that he wouldn't.

So to wrap this LONG story up. He did the scope and found that I had a retro secal(sp?) appendix (which means that is was inverted and that's why I guess they didn't see it on the ct). He said that it didn't rupture, but apparently was perforated and that's where the fluid was coming from. He washed it out with a lavage (sp?) He said that everything else was a picture of health and he supposedly showed Jim and Dad the pictures to prove it.

I got released on Friday at 3pm and each day I've been feeling better and better. I've been able to pick up the baby with no pain today so that's great!

So my lesson has been learned...bigger's not better. Just cause its a big named hospital don't mean squat. Doctors can make mistakes anywhere. And as my doctor pointed out, this was a mistake that could have kept me from say the least :) And I have only God to thank for this one!!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Thanks Martha!!! :)

I was in Wal-Mart buying a large bag of Purina for my Labrador Retriever and was in line to check out.

A woman behind me asked if I had a dog.

On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again.

I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her.

Horrified, she asked if I'd been poisoned and was that why I was in the hospital.

I said no.....I'd been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car hit me.

I thought the tall guy was going to have to be carried out the door.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Does ANYONE have any advice on how to get a handle on grasshoppers? I tried what Lowes said - Ortho Bug Stop for Gardens (it was the safest for the dog and kids). It did kill the ones I sprayed. But they come back, or just move to where I didn't spray. They've devoured (sp?) the leaves on all the fruit trees and there's just jillions in the back yard and I'm ready to KILL!

So anyone who knows an ole wives tale, industrial spray, anything...please let me know cause I'm going loco here :)

Hope you are all having a great week. Mine's going really good now cause the pools not a green swamp anymore, the grass is not as crunchy as it was due to some super duper watering, the doctor visit yesterday went great (so I took the rest of the day off and did some school shopping just me and Brayden - who rewarded me with extra sweet behavior), and I gave into the Toblerone bar that Jim bought me on Sunday...not the whole thing but 2 chunks of it,yummy!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

We're in trouble now!

We are in deep trouble now! Little fingers knows how to open doors :0 Can you say "deadbolt"?

(If you haven't checked out our vacation pictures or stories, see the past 2 blogs. Jim's blog has the stories, just scoll down a bit on his. His link is at the right side of my blog.)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Vacation Pictures #2

This is a continuation of the post from yesterday....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Vacation Pictures

I'm gonna try posting the pictures that Jim referenced in his 2nd to last blog. These are out of order and where near all the best (of 245) picutres we took. If you wnat to be copied of all 246 when I order from Winkflash, let me know. Enjoy :)

...stay tuned, more pics tomorrow...