Thursday, July 20, 2006


Does ANYONE have any advice on how to get a handle on grasshoppers? I tried what Lowes said - Ortho Bug Stop for Gardens (it was the safest for the dog and kids). It did kill the ones I sprayed. But they come back, or just move to where I didn't spray. They've devoured (sp?) the leaves on all the fruit trees and there's just jillions in the back yard and I'm ready to KILL!

So anyone who knows an ole wives tale, industrial spray, anything...please let me know cause I'm going loco here :)

Hope you are all having a great week. Mine's going really good now cause the pools not a green swamp anymore, the grass is not as crunchy as it was due to some super duper watering, the doctor visit yesterday went great (so I took the rest of the day off and did some school shopping just me and Brayden - who rewarded me with extra sweet behavior), and I gave into the Toblerone bar that Jim bought me on Sunday...not the whole thing but 2 chunks of it,yummy!


wes said...

I'm not sure on how to get rid of them but you could always get an Oscar like we had. Then you could at least gain satisfaction by watching them get devoured by the fish.


I don't know about grasshopers, but my store is infested with Crickets!!!

Kim :) said...

Yuck! I don't know how to control your grasshopper problems. We have crickets! BLAH!

Glad to hear things went well at the doctors yesterday! :) And WOO HOO for getting to go shopping while you were out.

SEe you guys tomorrow!

Jim said...

You told me that you ate 3 chunks.