Monday, October 02, 2006

Weigh In #4

I don't have all the weights this week, but I'm posting anyway. If you want to email or leave me a comment with your weight I'll add it to the list.

Jim - (no weight)
Angie - 166 (no gain/no loss)
Dad - 199 (vacations over)
Mom - 171 (home safe)
George - 235 (3lb loss)
Katie - 133 (1lb loss)

Way to go George and Katie. Guess I better get in gear :)

Anyone else wanting to join? As always....would love to have you! If it's more incentive, we can start up an $$ pool again.

**Look again later today and I'll try to post the parade pictures**



495 lbs this week!! hahaha!!! 6 more weeks to go!!

Kim :) said...

Go Go Go!!!!!!