Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More firsts...and catching up

Ok guys, this new version of Blogger I loaded is a bit tricky for me to figure out. So it'll be short, sweet, and to the point.

Here's some picture of Brayden's first haircut. It was bangs only and I hope to keep it that way for just a bit longer :)

He wasn't to happy with this hair cutting idea...and staying still. So yes, I let him chew on my toothbrush to keep him happy.

Here's Brayden's first time to feed himself pudding. (Yes, this picture's kinda old cause we can no longer have pre-made pudding...due to the dairy products)

(Those with weak stomachs...look away...)

As mentioned in a previous blog, we went Matt's Thanksgiving program last Monday. It was great. He was above and beyond the most animate and entertaining kid in the program. And it's not just me saying that. We were hearing everyone around us saying "...look at that boy getting after it..." and others just roaring out with laughter. It was great. They were supposed to be doing the Turkey Boogie. The other kids stood like statues and Matt literally boogied down!!

I took several pictures, but this was definately one of those time that I should have brought the video camera. It was so stinking funny!!

Nat was even entertained by the program, but she'd NEVER admit it :)

I hope that you all had great Thanksgivings. We started our off with a bang. We had 19 of Jim's side of the family over at our house on Thursday. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we loved having everyone at our house. May not end up being a tradition, but I hope to get to host again :) We also got to have Bill, Lisa, and kids stay with us that night and Jim and Bill had a great time catching up and so did Lisa and I.

We headed to my Mom and Dad's on Friday afternoon to have Thanksgiving with all 23 of my family. It was also a great time and we all had a nice visit with each other. It really makes you miss home and having loved ones so close. The kids all get along so great and each time they are together they make a home movie. This year there was a bit of "gore" in the movie, but still fun to watch.

We headed to Jim's Mom's for a Cajun style Thanksgiving on Sunday morning. We had a great visit with her, James, Linda, and Jacob. And we eat WAY too much yummy food!! The kids had a great time and so did we!!

In other news, Dad had hernia surgury on Monday and DROVE HIMSELF HOME on Monday after noon!!! I talked to him today and he sounds very good. Just discouraged with all the things he can't do. But he does realize that he MUST take it slow. But anyone who knows him knows what a bus body he is :)

Beth had Jaxon on Tues. 5lbs 15 oz and all kinds of cute. She and Martha have sent some pics and he's so sweet! Her blog link is at the side of blog and I bet she'll post some pics soon, once they get everything back to "normal" :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

First lolly pop and other news

I wanted to post these pictures with the Halloween post, but Blogger said I already had too many on that post.

Here are some cute pics of Brayden's first lolly pop...aka NUMMIES!!!

Catching up...

Natalie got her top braces yesterday and she got to have her expander out. She loves getting to feel the top of her mouth again. But is now hating the pain the braces make. Thanks goodness for Rincinol! (I'll post a pic of her with her braces soon.) She's still doing art. She's currently working on a landscape scene. She also made the UIL spelling team and we are very proud of her!!!! The 6th grade band should soon be having their holiday concert, she hasn't told me the date...but she is very excited for us to get to hear them all.

Matthew has started his own comic book: Mega Man. I have the first edition and I know it'll be worth big bucks one day :) He said he's going to make another one for their classes Trade Days. Everyone in class will make something and they all get to trade for what they want that someone created. Matthew's class will be having a spelling bee on Monday. If he makes it he said that they get to challenge Natalie's class in a spelling bee. So you KNOW he's wanting to get to make the team!! He will be having a thanksgiving program Monday night...these are always fun!

Brayden's been doing really good since we've gotten his diet on track. His new words are cup and fun! He's also found 2 new favorite shows: Little Bear (which was one of Nat's favorites) and WaWa Woobzie...don't ask... It's so cute to watch him actually understand the "plots" in the shows now. Like today WaWa Woobzie broke something and Brayden kept saying "oh no" and he was so into the show he didn't even notice that I'd come into the room! Maybe I'm making a couch potato out of him, but it IS educational TV.

Jim is super busy with his new job...and today I'm sure he's super chilly! He doesn't have any help yet, but with as much business as he keeps picking up I'm sure that'll soon change. Him and Matt will be getting to take their last dunes trip this Friday night/Saturday. I know they'll both have a blast!!

I have recently taking up jogging. It kicks my butt, but I really have been enjoying it. I like to do things on my time frame and I like getting to have the kids come and play around at the track. Matt runs with me for some of the laps and Nat plays mother hen to Brayden :) Jim put together my jogger stroller last night, so I will probably try to in a neighborhood today since they don't allow strollers on the track...??? I hope to be running in my first 5k in December...with the holidays permitting.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Shew...what a week!

Well first off, I hope you all had a chance to swing by Jim's blog and tell him "hi". He needs the encouragement to keep blogging :) We all do from time to time.

I am WELL aware of the fact that there are zillions out there that have things truly "rough". With that being said, we all still have what we consider rough days, weeks, months...etc. Last week was one rough week! Brayden has had (as of this past Tues) 4 weeks of diarrhea. And we couldn't figure out the source. After the first 2 weeks I took him to our regular pediatrician and she just said he'd had a virus and it really tore up his stomach and intestines and that it'll take a while to get back on track. She said to give Lactinex (like a powered yogurt) and put him back on his Zantac? I asked her if she thought it could be that he'd formed another food allergy. Cause he was kinda acting like he did before we found out he was allergic to eggs. She wouldn't listen to me and told me it was a virus. Frustrating, but I did what she said for a week anyway. ...no change. I decided to get another opinion and went to another pediatrician. I gave her the run down and a dirty diaper for a poo sample. She was concerned but told me that there was such a thing called Toddlers diarrhea that can last up to 8 weeks. But she wanted to rule everything out. She said to stay on the Lactinex, get off the Zantac, and try Mylanta to soothe his tummy so he'd eat better (maybe). ...another week, no change..but he was eating a little better. And then this past Monday he went to pieces...crying, clingy, wouldn't eat or sleep (at nap). So I called and told them this was nuts. She agreed and said to come back in. She did another exam on him and we drew blood for a CBC. And I asked to please run a RAST test (allergy test) so that I could please put my mind at rest and know whether or not I'm giving him something everyday that's causing this to happen. She asked if I was sure and I said that as selfish as it may sound...yes, I have to know.

She called with the results on Wed and everything came back normal....except the RAST test!!! (Thank goodness I was pushy) He's now not only allergic to eggs...add soy (which he drinks Soy milk everyday cause it "seemed" easier on his tummy) and dairy! I just fired back "well what the heck is he supposed to drink?" Brayden now drinks goat milk. He likes it most days. And I have now become a frequent (already) patron of our local health food store. It's been very stressful and mind numbing trying to learn to read the labels on all food correctly. Cause milk isn't always just listed as MILK it's got other forms (I don't know how to spell them all so I won't attempt to provide examples). And soy is sometimes SOYA, soy letchin, etc... It was/is overwhelming, but with each day I get over it a little more. I still just wanna say "no fair" and suck my thumb (or his thumb since this all impacts him). But I have to get over it and just do what we have to do.

It really helped this weekend when we finally found out about this store called Whole Foods (they are actually all over the US and international). This is where our health food store gets a lot of their stuff. The closest one was in Arlington, but it was worth the drive to see that there are stores made for people with allergies. You pay the price, but they ARE out there. And that was one of my biggest worries once we found out about all this...that I wouldn't be able to find selections. Cause our dinky little Walmart is NOT geared for Allergy Free shopping. Jim suggested that after Whole Food we try Central Market (by HEB) and see what they have. They had almost all the stuff we needed (some at better prices) except the dairy free mac and cheese (which I think I can find online). Goat cheese was one the things I was trying to find for Brayden that Whole Foods didn't have...well Central Market has at least 10+ to choose from. So again, it put my mind at ease to know the selections are out there...we just need to drive a bit and pay a bit more. But it's worth it for him! ......now to try and prepare him something for Thanksgiving...hum...

Thanks for those who stuck it out and read this whole rant/pity party. I'll back it all up with pics later this week. And Brayden seems to be doing much better now that we have his diet on track.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Jim's Blog

I have a lot that I'd like to blog about, but I've been swamped at work. So if you have time, please go check out Jim's last 2 blogs. He's got some pictures of Matt's games posted.

Will blog again soon........

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween was a hit!

I wanted these pictures posted last night, but if you can believe it...I've been trying since last night to get them to load on Blogger...Grrr...anyway, they are worth it!

It was technically not Brayden's 1st Halloween, but it was his first Trick-or-Treat! And he loved it. Everyone (including his immediate family) went ga-ga when they saw him. It's by far the cutest Halloween outfit I've seen since Nat and Matt wore the "tumble bear" outfit.

He wasn't too crazy about dressing up in it at first. This first round of pictures were taken at the house before we left.

Here he is not being totally pleased with this dressing up business. But dang he's cute!

He getting alittle more into "character" now. We're practicing "rrraarrr".

His G.Q. pose (with gugga)...

Does this even need a caption???

This was the outfit HE wanted to wear...and it's dang cute too :)

Here he (and we) are at the first Trick-or-Treat stop. Brayden didn't want to leave

I'll end with some other pictures from last night...