Thursday, November 16, 2006

First lolly pop and other news

I wanted to post these pictures with the Halloween post, but Blogger said I already had too many on that post.

Here are some cute pics of Brayden's first lolly pop...aka NUMMIES!!!

Catching up...

Natalie got her top braces yesterday and she got to have her expander out. She loves getting to feel the top of her mouth again. But is now hating the pain the braces make. Thanks goodness for Rincinol! (I'll post a pic of her with her braces soon.) She's still doing art. She's currently working on a landscape scene. She also made the UIL spelling team and we are very proud of her!!!! The 6th grade band should soon be having their holiday concert, she hasn't told me the date...but she is very excited for us to get to hear them all.

Matthew has started his own comic book: Mega Man. I have the first edition and I know it'll be worth big bucks one day :) He said he's going to make another one for their classes Trade Days. Everyone in class will make something and they all get to trade for what they want that someone created. Matthew's class will be having a spelling bee on Monday. If he makes it he said that they get to challenge Natalie's class in a spelling bee. So you KNOW he's wanting to get to make the team!! He will be having a thanksgiving program Monday night...these are always fun!

Brayden's been doing really good since we've gotten his diet on track. His new words are cup and fun! He's also found 2 new favorite shows: Little Bear (which was one of Nat's favorites) and WaWa Woobzie...don't ask... It's so cute to watch him actually understand the "plots" in the shows now. Like today WaWa Woobzie broke something and Brayden kept saying "oh no" and he was so into the show he didn't even notice that I'd come into the room! Maybe I'm making a couch potato out of him, but it IS educational TV.

Jim is super busy with his new job...and today I'm sure he's super chilly! He doesn't have any help yet, but with as much business as he keeps picking up I'm sure that'll soon change. Him and Matt will be getting to take their last dunes trip this Friday night/Saturday. I know they'll both have a blast!!

I have recently taking up jogging. It kicks my butt, but I really have been enjoying it. I like to do things on my time frame and I like getting to have the kids come and play around at the track. Matt runs with me for some of the laps and Nat plays mother hen to Brayden :) Jim put together my jogger stroller last night, so I will probably try to in a neighborhood today since they don't allow strollers on the track...??? I hope to be running in my first 5k in December...with the holidays permitting.


Kim :) said...

Loved getting the updates on how the family is doing! Sounds like everyone is doing wonderful.

AND YOU GO GIRL!! I'm proud of you for the running. I've actually told Gary that I thought I would like to give running a try. I think he thinks I'm out of my mind, and I have to agree I think I may be as well. I wouldn't be expecting to win any medals for time, I would be lucky to finish a mile (with walking in there) but I really think it would help me pull my head out of my ass and start loosing weight! Something has to!

I've very proud of you and rooting you on!

Reagan said...

Now that's a cute kid! He just looks so cuddly :)
You rock on the running!