Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Feeling like Christmas

Well it's definitely feeling like Christmas, but not due to the temperature lately. Now last week, we really got the Christmas bug here. Not only cause we celebrated Christmas with Jim's Mom's family...but cause we had all the decorations in place. The big kids got to go up on the roof and "help" Dad. They were pumped, Dad was a bundle of nerves! Brayden really enjoyed the show and occasionally cheered them on :)

After the outdoor decorating and frozen Popsicle children...and Dad.... we decorated the tree. This year was Nat's year to put the angel on top.

...Not sure where bloggers gonna put this text, still not sure how to maneuver in this new version so bear with me...

And the final touches to get us in the holiday spirit are: We have all but 5-6 gifts to purchase. All the others are wrapped and under the tree. And, Brayden and the kids got to witness the first snow of the season (see picture below...or where ever it ends up). Finally, we got to go to Nat's Christmas band concert. The first concert she's played in and they sounded great. I wish I had be able to get more pictures, but I couldn't get int he right position in the auditorium to get around the music stands AND my stinking batteries were ALL shot and the camera kept going dead. And I took 4 SETS of batteries to keep this form happening. But I did get one shot of her walking on stage..

Hope you are all getting into the holiday spirit :) It'll be here and gone before you know it, so savor this time while you can. It's such a great time of year :) (sappy enough for ya?)


Jim said...

Great pictures babe! The kids on the roof? Possible mistake, but now that we are down, and they didn't fall, it was ok. Too bad the band picture didn't show how cute you dressed Natalie. Oh yeah, It's starting to feel a lot like..............SUMMER! 77 degrees, are you kidding me.

Love you,


Kim :) said...

Your blog doesn't like me!! I tried I've been trying to post but it wont let me! Blah. :(

I love the pictures of the kids on the roof. Kelsey was right up there with Gary and well.. and I'm sure it wont be much longer before Brandon does the same.

It is difficult to take Band pictures. I've tried and tried of Kelsey, but those music stands always get in the way or the lighting is horrible. Glad that she enjoyed it and did so well!

Looking alot like Christmas around our house as well. I'm enjoying it!