Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Brayden's 2nd Birthday!!!!

I know I'm behind on posting about b-days and such. But hopefully once I get these all posted and you read what's been going on...hopefully you'll understand :) I'll do a blog for Brayden's bday, then hopefully tomorrow one about the party, and then finally one for Nat's b-day.

Starting with last Thursday...BRAYDEN TURNED 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to my Mom's awesome collection of recepies, we were able to find one that I could maek that accomdated all of Brayden's allergies...and I must say, for my first time to do anything "from scratch" was quite yummy :)

Brayden though it was very NUMMY!

After having his favorite meal: sketties and was time to open prez (presents). And he became quite the master of tearing off the paper during Christmas :)

His main present wasn't wrapped, but he did NOT care! If I was worried about having holes in wall before...HA...NOW I need to worry :)

Grandma and Pop-pop gave Brayden a cool real wood farm and they ALL had a blast playing with it!

It was a great 2nd b-day and for Mom it was easier to deal with than b-day #1 :)

This was short and sweet, but stay tuned for further b-day postings :)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Week 5 Weigh in

Ok, Jim was very sweet and got the Excel program to work. But bear with me cause if you're familiar with spread sheet formats you can probably guess that they don't transfer into Blogger very well... AT ALL!

Now that I have percentages working I will congratulate the person with the largest percentage of weigh loss each week :)

Week 5

name....weight...lbs lost...week %...lbs %


And this weeks BIGGEST LOSER is: BETH :) with BILLY running a close 2nd!

Hang in there everyone, next week will be better!

Stay tuned...I shall post about the baby and Natalie's b-days today...I hope.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Weigh In #4

Hope everyone has made it thru all the crappy weather from last week. I know that the kids were hoping for it to just keep getting worse so that we could get some more snow and snow/ice days...but I am ready for the 50's again! Especially since I have a new found love for running! I didn't get to run at all last week. I guess if I was a true die hard nothing would have stopped me...but, I just was not up for slipping on the ice or turing into a popcicle :)

Welcome to week #4 of the weigh ins. So far so good everyone!!!!!!!! I apologize, but I couldn't get the Excel program to figure the weight loss it's just lbs lost only again. But everyone did so good, I didn't figure most of you would mind :)

Week #4

Beth - 190 > no gain :)
Billy - 246 > 8 lb loss... WOO HOO :)
Tina - 171 > 5 lb loss... Another big WOO HOO :)
Dad - 203 > vacation :)
Mom - 172 > vacation and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Angie - 167 > 2 lb loss
Jim - 231 > 2 lb loss
Reagan - 135 > no gain :)

Again, the invitation is still open to anyone who'd like to join in! Good luck to everyone and hope every has a killer weight loss week :)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Weigh In #3

Looks like everyone had a really good week...way to go. Now that I've gotten everyone start weights, I will do the percentages after I get next Mondays weights.

Week 3

Beth - 190 > 1 lb loss
Billy - 254 > start weight
Tina - 171 > start weight
Dad - 203 > gearing up for vacation :)
Mom - 172 > Vacation mode :)
Angie - 169 > 2 lb loss
Jim - 233 > 1 lb loss
Regan - 135 > 2 lb loss

Good luck this week! I know that the 1st and 2nd week are the HARDEST! But if you can make it thru to week 3, it starts to seem bearable :) Hang in there!!!!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Weigh in #2

We have several people that have decided to join in to our version of the Biggest Loser (part 2). Some are weighing in for the first time this week and some will start next week. We will start to figure percentage of weight loss hopefully next week. For now I'll just post straight weight loss.

Good luck to everyone and remember, any one who reads this is welcome to join in at ANY time! Just email me your weights on Monday mornings (or as close to it as you can).

Week #2

Jim - 234 > 3lb loss
Angie - 171 > 4lb loss
Mom - 171 > 3lb loss
Dad - 202 > start weight
Reagan - 137 > start weight
Beth - 191 > after baby start weight :)
Billy and Tina - (will start next Monday)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's ON!

First off...Happy New Year to everyone!! And with the New Year comes another round of resolutions. At this very time last year Jim and I (along with several others) began our version of The Biggest Loser. So to continue our new "tradition", we are now starting up The Biggest Loser season 2!

As with the "rules" of last year, ANY one of you may join in at any time. I will post the start weights this week. Then next week I'll post weight and percentage of weight lost (with the help of my husbands excel sheet :) ) We will weigh in every Monday and will attempt to post the info every Monday (just depends on when I get every one's info).

For any of you new to this, it was VERY successful last year for a large number of us. Not to say that when the holidays hit that me and Jim didn't fall off the wagon :) But when we were serious, and posting every worked.

So I extend the invite to all of those who want to join in. At this time I won't be doing a "competition". But if there are those of you who think this might work better for you if we do this in competition mode, just let me know and we can accommodate :)

Week 1

Jim - 237
Angie - 175

Good luck to all of you that join or go it alone. You CAN do this!!!!!!!!