Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Brayden's 2nd Birthday!!!!

I know I'm behind on posting about b-days and such. But hopefully once I get these all posted and you read what's been going on...hopefully you'll understand :) I'll do a blog for Brayden's bday, then hopefully tomorrow one about the party, and then finally one for Nat's b-day.

Starting with last Thursday...BRAYDEN TURNED 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to my Mom's awesome collection of recepies, we were able to find one that I could maek that accomdated all of Brayden's allergies...and I must say, for my first time to do anything "from scratch" was quite yummy :)

Brayden though it was very NUMMY!

After having his favorite meal: sketties and was time to open prez (presents). And he became quite the master of tearing off the paper during Christmas :)

His main present wasn't wrapped, but he did NOT care! If I was worried about having holes in wall before...HA...NOW I need to worry :)

Grandma and Pop-pop gave Brayden a cool real wood farm and they ALL had a blast playing with it!

It was a great 2nd b-day and for Mom it was easier to deal with than b-day #1 :)

This was short and sweet, but stay tuned for further b-day postings :)


Reagan said...

Very cool toys!! Must be cool being a big boy of 2!!


I would be worried about the holes too! One of our friends son has that tractor and it flies! Glad he had a great birthday too!