Saturday, February 10, 2007

Nat's 12th...YES 12th!!! Birthday :)

Sorry for the delay in getting this post up. Besides Brayden having walking pneumonia and going on 3 weeks of being sick, work's been nuts, and I didn't get quite the responses that I'd hoped for on my blog...ahem...hint-hint siblings and parents :) And again, thanks to all of you who faithfully comment, it really helps keep me motivated!

Nat's 12th b-day was Jan. 30. So, yes...I know I'm behind... She was a good girl that morning and resisted in beggin us to open her presents that morning. I told her that just as soon as Daddy got home we would open presents. Since she was so patient, I made sure a special delivery was sent to her at school...

Thankfully Daddy was able to get off work earlier than usual that day and she got to tear into her presents.

Her presents were mostly clothes. Her 2nd most exciting gift was piano lessons (which she started this past Wed.). Her MOST exciting gift was ..... A CELL PHONE!! Yowza! That child was beside herself...and still is! She's being a very good girl with it and hardly ever makes calls on it, but LOVES to play the games :)

After opening presents we told her to decide where she wanted to have supper...Olive Garden. Yikes, put us in the corner please...the noodle wielding midgets returning.... She loved having the people sing her the Italian Happy B-day song, but was let down when she didn't get the cake that they used to give out...I was bummed too! She got a little piddly scoop of ice cream in a little plastic butter cup. But she was soon to be excited again...we were off to the Mall to get her ears pierced.

A few tears were shed, but by the next morning it wasn't nothing but a thing! All in all i think her b-day was a hit! She made me a deal that she'd be losing the attitude and be real happy in the show me how thankful she was :) That was last week............
Happy Birthday Big Girl!



Cellphone, earrings, clothes....hmmm sounds like somebody had an awesome birthday!!!! Glad to see you post again!!!

The Oldies said...

Thanks for keeping us up to speed with the B-day girl. Now I want you to know that I have made comments on everyones bloggs but they never go thru. Dad said that it is easy so I am trying again.

And did Matt win today?

The Oldies said...

Wow this little girl has it all a cell phone, earrings,plus two parents that love her very much!!

I am trying to change my handle, can someone tell me how to do that?

wes said...

Sounds like quite a day. Hope Braden gets to feeling better soon. Thanks for the pics.

Kim :) said...

WOW!! Sounds like a very speical 12th birthday! She will tresure the memeories from it for ever! Thanks for sharing!