Friday, March 23, 2007

3 Weeks...awh man!!

...that's the phase that we are all saying. Earlier this week it was "4 whole weeks?? ...awh man" What am I talking about? Well, if you read 2 posts ago I mentioned going camping with my parents at Junction and how we all had such a great time. Well that bug stayed with Jim and I all the way home and for the next several days. So we went to a local RV lot to just see what they had, if they had one to accommodate what we want, and (most important) if it could fit into our budget. We found one that met our needs and our price. We figured that we should still at least attempt to shop around before settling down on the first one we liked. So we went to Denton to FunTime RV. It was a SEA of RVs!! I was excited to see more variety. What we weren't excited about was that you can't just browse around. All the trailers were locked and you had to go get a salesmen...from the sales floor...cause they DON'T come to you! So Jim drove us to the main bldg and asked for a salesmen and the guy tells him "we're closing"....okey dokey then... So with basically a boot in the a--...we leave and decide then and there that we are buying from our local guys and their family owned business.

The big kids weren't in on any of this and they didn't get to see the trailer till Wednesday when we went to go pick it up. They were beside themselves with excitement! They got along better than I've seen in a long time...and that's saying A LOT!!! It took about an hour for them to add a brake adjuster to my Suburban and to hook up this special hitch thingy. Then Jason (our salesman/co-owner of the place - Smith RV ...we get $200 for any referrals...hint, hint) took Jim and I through every inch of the trailer telling us how it all works and what we gotta do to keep it all working. LOT of info and I'm so glad that Jim's such a sponge when it comes to that stuff. My brain was hitting OVERLOAD before we even stepped outside to start on all that info!!

The trailer is home now and will stay here...parked...for 3 more weeks! This is where the "awh, man..." comes in. It'll be 3 more full weeks till we are able to get to go on our first camping trip. We don't care WHERE we go....just get us there :)

Here's some pictures I took as Jim was pulling up into our yard with our first trailer ever!

You'll see in this picture...there's a soon to be BIRTHDAY BOY! Best looking thing in this picture :) He'll be celebrating the big 36 tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!!!!! We love you tons!!!


Reagan said...

YEAH!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I love camping. We haven't been since right before Thanksgiving. Hope we can meet you guys somewhere soon :)

Kim :) said...

That's so exciting!! I'm so glad that you guys got your trailer!! How fun. :) I can't wait to go camping with you guys!!

Hope the birthday boy is enjoying himself today!!


Cool -- glad you all got what you wanted!! I personally am not a camping kind of girl!! To cramped and claustrophobic for me! Hope you have fun though -- are you taking it on your annual beach trip? Happy Birthday JIM!!

Kay said...

Will my pick-up pull it? Just kidding!! Enjoy it. I really wish we could afford one. That is the only way to go!!