Thursday, March 01, 2007

AnnaMarie Katherine

...and our wonderful visit with her family :) (I warn you now...this is a long one)

We had a wonderful weekend this past Saturday and Sunday! When we first found out that Matt's makeup b-ball game had been cancelled, we were bummed. But I was soon excited that we'd get to go see AnnaMarie Katherine. She was born on Valentine's Day! This is my 2nd niece to be born on this very special day :) I'll first share a few pictures of her and then tell you about the rest of our visit...

As you can plainly see, she is ANOTHER beautiful girl! Good job Mom and Dad :) They have made some gorgeous girls!! And she's so sweet. Very laid back. And I got some great snuggle and kissy time with her. Me, Brayden, Chanda, and baby hung out at the house all day Saturday just visiting...playing...loving on baby! It was really nice. The kids, the Dad's, and Becky (Chanda's step Mom and recent co-birthing coach) took the kids to see Joe Scruggs along with some other entertainers. Nat got to help in a magic show, all the kids got to slide down this enormous Lighting McQueen (from the Cars movie) slide, and Joe Scruggs did a live show that the kids and adults thought was just hilarious. Here's some shots Jim took. I wasn't there but from the stories all the kids and the Dad's was a great time!

On Sunday we went back over to visit with Bobby and Chanda and the girls one last time before hitting the road. The kids chilled for a bit watching the DVD Bailey got from the show. They all were having such a good time doing the hand motions and they ALL knew the words...already :) Before we left I had to get some pictures of all the kids together. And we had to capture some pictures of Bailey and Chloe's TRULY amazing hula skills. Chloe would like her parents to build her a stage in the front yard so she can perform for the public and they pay her...of course :) I know it sounds funny, but her and Bailey could pull it off. They really are incredible Hula Hoopers!

Who could resist those kissable cheeks?!?

After leaving Bobby and Chanda's we went out to see James and Phyllis and their new house. Bobby and the older girls went too. It was a beautiful day on Sunday (especially after that horrid wind on Saturday). Here's some last shots of the kids playing at James and a few pictures of my kids with James. Plus a great one of all the guys. Thanks for the great visit Bobby, Chanda, Bailey, Chloe, Delaynee, AnnaMarie, James, Phyllis, and Snickers :)



Great Pictures and I am glad you all had such a great time!!!! I miss you guys and Bobby too!!

wes said...

Holy pictures Batman!! That was a lot. Looks like a lot of fun though. Hope Brayden gets over the crud. We got some bug over here right now that seems to be sweeping the entire Rheinland Pflaz area. Yall take care.

Kim :) said...

Aww what great pictures! Looks like ou guys had a wonderful visit! I'm glad you were able to make the trip out. YOu guys all have beautiful children! :)

Reagan said...

OMG!! I think that's the first picture of Bobby I've seen in a long long time. Jim and Bobby always looked like brothers - but I can hardly tell them apart!
Great pictures and sounds like a great weekend!