Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yeah! ...he's 2

Yup! This little baby is 2! Captain Destructo, Octopus Arms, Dr. Oc, Pschyo...he's got a LOT of nick names right now. But above all else...he's my sweet baby! And DANG he's cute!!

No pics of the big kids since they are on Spring break with my parents in Junction. We took them down there last Friday night and camped ( by the river) for 2 nights and then headed back. The kids and Jim hiked a huge mountain (hill) and Brayden and I napped. Then all 7 of us headed out to the State Park and Mom and Dad walked with the baby while the rest of us went on a hour + hike. I was fun! Then we came back and the kids and Jim fished. No luck, but they were gonna try once more on Sunday. Me. Mom, Dad , and Brayden hung out at the campsite while Jim and the kids headed out to the State park to try and see if they were any more lucky out there...nope. Nat got a nibble though and she was ecstatic! once they got back we gobbled down some lunch, gave tons of hugs and kisses, and we hit the road.

Jim will get the kids tomorrow and I'm sure there will be tons of stories to tell :) I will post more later. Have a great day!


Kim :) said...

Aww. Look at that cute boy! He looks like he is having himself a might fun time!!!

I sure wish we could have gone camping with you guys! Sounds like you all had a ton of fun.

I'm sure the kids will come back with many stories. Wonderful..wonderful memories indeed!


I am sure Matthew had a near death experience with a Mountain Lion or something!!! hahaha Big boy is two huh!!! Time has flown by Olivia will be two in April!! How is Mother's Day out going? You have talked about it lately

Reagan said...

He is so CUTE!!!
I hope we can get the kids together this summer.