Monday, May 14, 2007

Great Mother's Day and Jim Blogged another great one!

I believe I've contacted everyone who reads this blog already...but again, I hope all you Momma's had a great Mother's Day. I sure did :) ......ate WAY too much...yowza! I think my goal of not being larger at the beach than I was last year is not gonna be met. BUT, I am back on the wagon again starting today so we'll see what I can accomplish between now and June 15th.

Jim has recapped our softball action again, so drop by his blog when you get a chance.

Oh and one more exciting development in our household is...Matt's loosing teeth!! Anyone who might remember a few years ago I sent out Christmas cards of the kids at the beach and if you looked really close Matt's bottom teeth were JACKED! That's because he has serious issues with loose teeth and them coming out. Uncle Bobby had to take out that awful tooth out and ever since then he's thought Bobby needed to be the tooth puller...and that was the only way they could come out. Nat on the other hand was always delighted to find a loose tooth and typically from the time she would tell us she'd found a loose tooth to the time that it came out was usually an hour or less :) Well after Matt's last dentist appt we found out that he has 5 teeth that he needs to loose and if they don't come out it'll cost like $100 a tooth to get them pulled (so permanent funky tooth doesn't happen). So I've been telling to to work on the teeth and wiggle them. He's been telling me "none of them are wiggly"....he's a stubborn one. Well, it finally sank in I think cause last week he came out of his room with a tooth...I was so proud :) The tooth fairy (with encouragement in mind) left him $2. Now I think Matt sees that $2 x 5 = $10...cause last night he came out with another tooth! And I'll gladly see that the tooth fairy pays out $10 opposed to us paying out $500 to the dentist!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day!



2 Bucks cheap tooth fairy!! Just kidding!! Glad you had a great Mother's Day!

Kim :) said...

WOO HOO!! Glad to hear that Matt got on the ball and wiggled those teeth. That tactic didn't work with Kelsey! Little Punk. Ended up having to pay the darn dentist to pull them!!

Hope you had the best Mother's Day possible also!!

Love ya