Wednesday, June 27, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP-POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We want to send out a GREAT BIG Happy Birthday wish today to my Dad (aka Pop-Pop & Grandpa Racecar). We all love you so very much and couldn't have been blessed with a better Dad! Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for all of us. Thank you for still making us laugh and for not "offing" yourself just yet with all your little race car, lawnmower, or home repair mishaps :) Hope you have a great day Dad! Love you bunches and heaps and piles :)


The Oldies said...

Thank you so much I am so blessed to have such wounderful kids and grandkids!! love POP POP

Kim :) said...

What great pictures!!

And Happy Birthday Grandpa Racecar!!