Friday, September 21, 2007

Cross Country

Nat had her 1st cross country meet this past Wed. in Ponder. Let me just goes much quicker than I'd thought and WAY more girls run in this than I'd thought. There were 203 girls in the meet! Nat was 142 and I thought that was great. She was bummed that she didn't do better, but I told her that this was her first time. Now she knows what to expect. But the fact that she got out there and did it is what makes me the most proud. Out of the 60+ girls in 7th grade athletics, only 5-6 7th grade girls are on the team.

Here's some pictures...this was my first time to take pictures of a CC next time I'll better too.

The coach is giving the girls some last minute pointers....

She's still holding strong and almost at the 1/2 way point.

They finish up running their last 300 on the track. She's just did a "kick" to get in front of some girls and about to get on the track.

She saved up for one last "kick" right at the finish line! Way to go Nat...we are all so proud of you :)



Whether she was in first place or last I think she did awesome! Congratulations NATALIE!!

Kim :) said...

GOOO NATALIE!! I am so proud of her for doing this! It doesn't matter what place she is in, because no matter what she is better them soo many of the kids at school that are just sitting back and taking the easy road!! She is out there participating! I am positive she will move on up the rankings in the next meet! Great Job Nat!!