Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well, Reagan (Jim's Little sister by proxy :)) used to do her snake count. well, I am doing my scorpion count....and it's now #6. And 6 in 3 years and 2 months is not bad. EXCEPT WHEN #6 WAS FOUND CRAWLING ON THE NECK OF MY SONS SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the crazy thing is that I was able to see it. I was being lazy this morning and didn't even take the time to put my glasses on. I go into Matt's room and grab his clothes that he laid out on the floor and help him put on his shirt and socks (normal routine stuff). Then we head to the kitchen for breakfast. As he was standing at the fridge deciding was frozen item I could nuke for him I see a freaking scorpion crawling on the neck of his shirt (now mind you I am 20/200 without vision technical terms - Legally Blind!!). Never-the-less, I saw the S.O.B.!! I tell him to just freeze...he has no clue..and that was probably for the best! He just turns to look at me (just as the things about to get on his neck) and says "what...why?" I firmly say "STAND STILL"!!!!!!!! I couldn't think of anything but to blow real hard on it and hope it falls off of him. It got off his neck and I blew again and it fell to the floor. I holler at Jim to bring a shoe and the crisis was over. I just cannot believe how many opportunities that little sucker had to sting Matt and it didn't. Whew... what a way to start the morning. Thank you to the good Lord above :)


Kim :) said...

OH my goodness!!!! That is horrible. How scary. I hate those little things! I am so glad that it didn't sting Matt! Amazing that it didn't actually! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your count stops at #6!!!!

The Oldies said...

He most likley brought it from our house as we have a lot of them as you know,yesterday as I was coming up the hill from the warehouse I killed a rattler it was not a fair fight as I had a large truck and he was too cold to move very fast