Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Halloween and other happenings

Sorry for the delay in posting the Halloween pictures. We didn't take many this year cause they kinda wore the same thing as last year. the big kids had tole me that they weren't going to dress up this year. I asked several times and they said that they just wanted to get to walk Brayden up to the doors to T or T. So I left it at that and I just LOVED Brayden's costume from last year and was delighted that it still fit. Well as i got him dressed to go out the big kids decided that they wanted to dress up. Pickings were slim, so this is what they came up with.

They all looked cute and got LOADS of candy in a very short am out of time! We really look forward to get to hand out candy in the new house this year. The kids have always love to give out...maybe even more than getting the candy :)

Sunday was my 34th b-day. Thank you for all of you that sent B-day wishes. Beth I hope you had a great b-day!! (Hers was last Thursday and I lame brained and forgot to tell her:(). We all went to the Ft. Worth Zoo and then to eat at Pappasitios. It was a great day to go and I think my parents had as much fun as the kids :) The food was great, but I was in complete misery for the rest of the day. They NEED to offer a 1/2 size of those dang fajitas!! :)

And we finally found out what the crap was on my arms! I was called into my drs office on 10/24 and he dropped a mini bomb on us. I supposedly have Sweets Syndrome. What that basically means is that the crap on my arms actually had nothing to do with my skin. Those "lesions" were an indicator that something is going on internally. The 3 main causes that makes Sweets appear is: malignancy, infection/inflammaition (Crones (sp?), Rheumatoid arthritis, etc), or a drug reaction. I have had a slew of tests done to rule out cancer. The 3 main types of cancer that make Sweets appear are: leukemia, breast, and ovarian. Well we know for certain that I don't have breast or "external ovarian". I have a CT scan sometime this week to completely rule out ovarian. My blood tests that were "tumor markers" all came back normal...woo hoo! The oncologist feels that it very well may be from all the drugs that I had been on to cure the crap on my legs...but can't give a "for sure". But he felt pretty strongly that if this was caused from a malignancy that my lesions would still be flaring up and...they aren't. They are almost all gone!!! So that's great news. Once all the cancer avenues have been explored, we'll move on to the infection/inflammation issue. If nothing shows up there then we just move on. Cause there's supposedly a 50% chance that you never find out what caused it. It's been one hell of a roller coaster ride and I'm ready to but this thing to bed!! I know Jim is too!

Everyone else is doing good. Me, Matt and the baby have allergy crud...but that's nothing a little Zyrtec can't knock out.

I hope you are doing well! Have a great week!


Kim :) said...

Cutie Patooties! :) Kelsey is the same way, she would rather hand out candy then trick or treat.. but we just never have anyone come out to our house.. We will have to find someone's house in town to rent out for the night one year. lol

Good grief! You have been through the wringer with this stuff! I'm glad that you are having the test done to rule out any cancer issues! You continue to be in my prayers!

Sounds like a good birthday! I'm glad you were able to enjoy it with the family. We were thinking about you.

Brandon, Kelsey and I are battling the allergy crap also! Blah! I am sick of it all!!


Don't feel bad I forgot to tell you happy birthday too!!! I hope they find that just the meds gave you the lesions!! Keep us posted!! When do you move or did you already?

The Oldies said...

Yes we had a great time @ the zoo I can see why it is one of the best in the nation. The best part was being with my little girl onm her birthday as I have tried to do for 35 years, just in case no one has heard me tell this Angie was born blue, so she was my blue baby, and in those days the baby was not in the same area as the mom , so I was going back and forth from my wife to my blue baby and scared as hell because I was afraied to tell mom that she was blue . Then a old nurse saw my consurn and told me that it was just a covering on her that was there because she was a little early, and this nurse put her in a window to dry off so as not to rub her dry and cause rough skin. So now when I look at my beauteful little girl I remember that old nurse and say a silent thank you for such a lovley litte girl.
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