Friday, February 22, 2008

...more funnies...

Brayden's had a few more funny sayings that I thought I'd share....

His asthma got fired up again and he's just been coughing his poor little baby head off. Day before yesterday he'd been coughing so hard on the way to get Matt that he had tears in his eyes. When Matt got in the truck he said, "Mafew...I got coffee!" (translation: Matthew, I've been coughing) :)

Brayden also has another term for his coughing...hiccups!

I told him yesterday that we were going to the doctor and he says "the train doesn't have worms anymore?" ........this one took a while to figure probably an hour later of him saying this....then I figured it out. When I took Nat in for her yearly checkup, I told the boys not to play with the train set at the doctor's office because it was in the "sick kid" waiting area and had germs on it. So, Brayden was asking me if the train doesn't have GERMS (not worms) anymore :) When we got there the train was just calling his sweet little name! So I gave in since there were no other kids there (odd, but great for me!). And he examined all the choo-choo's and then he ran over to me and said "..nope, there's no worms anymore...can't see em" :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ducks and Penquins!

Our littlest man of the house keeps us laughing. Sometimes he's trying to be funny, other times he's serious. For instance...

On Saturday we are heading to Matt's game (which they won..and YES...I forgot the dadgum camera AGAIN). We are at the end of the subdivision where a house has a pond in the back. This is where the deer and turkey frequently congregate. And this morning there were 27+ turkey out in the field. Jim tells the kids "Hey guys...Look..." And Brayden hollers out "........DUCKS......" :) We all fell out laughing.

Yesterday I went to the car wash while Nat was at piano lessons. No mud on the truck...WOO HOO...just regular ole road grime from the wonderful 1.5" of rain we got on Saturday. I go to the drive thru automatic car wash. The lady tells me to select my wash...and I do. Then she tells me "please enter a payment". Brayden says with a heavy question in his tone..."enter a penquin?" ......Matt and I were in tears.....

Hope this provided you with a good laugh for the day :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Party - The Flu - Basketball - The Perfect Picture

Ok, going in order of the title...The Party

Brayden and Natalie's B-day party was at the Little Gym. It was a scaled down gy to meet the needs of the little guys...though only a few little guys got to come. And my little guy almost didn't get to go due to the Flu. They had a great time and it was so great to see everyone! Here are some pictures that Lindsey was so kind to take for for me (since I pulled the bone head move of the year and left the camera and video camera at home!).

Thank you to those who were able to make it. We love having you all!

The Flu...

The flu entered our home thru the most unlikely host...Matthew. He honestly just never gets sick. I've said it a jillion times, he's my rock! But my rock got hit hard with the flu at 4am Wed. before last. Plus the poor guy got a sinus infection. we got him all better with this wonderful medicine for the Flu called Tamiflu. That stuff rocks!! And little did I know that I was going to be getting a prescription filled for the other 2 kiddos within the days to come. So next year...yes, we'll get the flu shot!! All is well now and everyone's healthy again...woo hoo :)


Matt had 2 game back to back last Saturday and he really shined! He made 3 baskets in one game and hustled big time in both games. The first game was kinda a blow out, but the second one was a nail biter. There was bad calls by the refs, fighting amongst the teams, swapping turns ever basket with who'd be in the lead. But at the end of the game the other team won and that gave us our first (possibly our only) loss of the season. Matt and all the boys did great! As for b-ball pictures...look for those next week.

The perfect picture...

As I've mumbled and grumbled in the past...I just can not get a good picture of Brayden. He is just not a ham for the camera like the other kids were (are :)). So it was a total shocker to me that when I went to grab my camera to take pictures of the kids outside playing....that I was about to get my perfect picture that I've been wanting for so long!!!

Nat had a sleepover last Friday and these are her friends Shelby and Summer. They were having "archery practice".

Matt was doing his scooter tricks and really needed me to take some pictures of how awesome he is :)

He's pretty awesome alright!!!

Brayden tackled Matt and I had no clue that this was gonna be such a GREAT picture. This one will be going on the wall!

Here's Matt at what he does better...clowning!

He called the electric scooter his Harley. Both he and Nat love to ride them this way. I think it makes them look like little apes :)

And here it perfect Brayden's already on the mantle :)

...and here's what I typically get when I take pictures of him....

It's bad...BAD I tell ya :)

Hope you all have a great Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

OMG...she's like 13!

Yep...I have a teenager in the house now. Laugh away :) Her birthday was last Wednesday and I know I'm late on the posting...forgive me Nat :( It's just been a whirlwind around here. But hey, when is it not!?!?!

She "only" got 2 gifts this year, but when you see what gift #2'll probably know right away why...

She got her with the fur... (but she DID NOT get the apple bottoms jeans...for those of you who know the song I'm referring too :))

Gift #2...the one that brought a tear to her eye, and Mom and Dad got a hug that felt like a tackle (something that we've become accustomed to from Matt...not Nat :))....drum roll's the Wii!!!!!!!!!!!! In case you didn't already know, you CAN NOT get these in stores. Some might be able to, but they are either extremely lucky to have gotten the 1 and only one and it just came off the delivery truck...or they are one of those that waits in line for the store to open and hope that they are at least 4-5th in line!! I could have paid an excessive amount at Ebay and a few other sites like that, but I said no way. Regular price was more than I cared to pay! But thanks to my brother Billy's suggestion, I tried There were several overpriced ones there too. And they were ussually gone in an hour or 2 after they posted. I lucked out and found a guy in McKinney that was selling his for the price he paid (even provided the reciept)!! And this picture shows that it was all worth it!

We had a b-day party for my 2 Jan. b-day kids this past Saturday. That'll be another post. So I'll leave you with this cute picture of the 2 of them. Please note that he's looking at the camera AND smiling! That is a major feat! So...please just try to over look the fact that he has crustys all around his mouth :)