Friday, February 22, 2008

...more funnies...

Brayden's had a few more funny sayings that I thought I'd share....

His asthma got fired up again and he's just been coughing his poor little baby head off. Day before yesterday he'd been coughing so hard on the way to get Matt that he had tears in his eyes. When Matt got in the truck he said, "Mafew...I got coffee!" (translation: Matthew, I've been coughing) :)

Brayden also has another term for his coughing...hiccups!

I told him yesterday that we were going to the doctor and he says "the train doesn't have worms anymore?" ........this one took a while to figure probably an hour later of him saying this....then I figured it out. When I took Nat in for her yearly checkup, I told the boys not to play with the train set at the doctor's office because it was in the "sick kid" waiting area and had germs on it. So, Brayden was asking me if the train doesn't have GERMS (not worms) anymore :) When we got there the train was just calling his sweet little name! So I gave in since there were no other kids there (odd, but great for me!). And he examined all the choo-choo's and then he ran over to me and said "..nope, there's no worms anymore...can't see em" :)

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

Cute, cute, cute!! I'm glad that train didn't have worms anymore so he could play with it! :)

Love those little boys!!!