Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good news and Elephant news :)

The good news....

Matthew had the opportunity to read 360 additional minutes (over a 3-4 week period) to earn a free 6-flags ticket. ...and he did it, and then some! We found out that Matthew no only received the free ticket, but was the ONLY child in his grade to do the extra reading. He was so proud to be the only one to receive the free ticket. And we are very proud of him also! In other "Matthew" news, he started art class with Nat at the 1st of May. He is really enjoying it. He's just now starting his first project since he's had to do "basics" up until now. So we are anxious to see his first masterpiece :)

Natalie applied to be on the Jr. Dolls Dance Team for 8th grade. What this is, is a team outside of dance class (which she will be taking next year) that practices with the high school team and gets to do 2-3 half-time performances with them during the football season. We are so excited for her. She had such crummy luck with athletics this year since she only made the Cross Country team. The coaches said she tried really hard in all sports, but just too many girls went out for everything. She has also made the journalism team and will get to be on the year book staff next year. Another great thing for her! I think she will really be an asset with her artistic mind ;)

Brayden is doing exceptionally well with the acupressure allergy treatments! I'd explain the process, but it's just too "out there". Just know that it works and it's a GOOD thing :) I'm attempting to completely break him of the gugga today. Kinda have no choice since he woke up and we couldn't find it anywhere. So...guess today's as good a day as any. And since he lost it, he seems to be doing ok with it. As opposed to me taking it away from him. Wish us luck........ Potty training, yikes...won't go there. It's still gonna be a while on that....

Tonight is the last softball game of the season. We were supposed to have a game on Tues, but got rained out. Hoping for one more win to the girls really GREAT season. I'll do my best to remember the camera this time...since it kinda is my last chance!!!

Elephant news......

Yep, that's right....he/she's back!!! And yesterday it was not over cast, so I'm really confused why the elephant(raccoon) was out so much yesterday. It started off coming out of the woods all puffed up cause Marbles was barking at it. Then it scurried over to the shed and when under it. Then it went over to the playground and up a tree. It did this several times yesterday. it never looked like it was walking drunk and when I went out a few time to give it a "love tap" with the bb gun, it never hissed/growled at me or tried to come at me. So, I'm think maybe it has babies? Is anyone out there a raccoon expert? Do they have babies in the tree, or would they be what's under the shed? Would i hear them if they "cried"?

That's all for now. Have a great day!


The Oldies said...

Great work Matt. And he can sure tell a story or two or three or four of his own. Have fun at Six Flags. I'm sure he will have a exceptional master piece in art.

Nat has done some beautiful work in art. And glad she will be able to be in dance class. Cross Country didn't work out ot good. Hope she hits it out of the park tonight.

Gaga man doing ok I hope. the potty will come soon.

That racoon prabably does have babies somewhere. Just tell the kids they are cute but dangerous at that age.

Proud of you all Mom

Kim :) said...

Yeah! Great to see a post from you. :)

Way to go Matt on that reading! How every exciting!! He deserved that Six Flags ticket for sure! And I can't wait to see pictures of the art he makes at class! HOw fun.

I am excited for Nat and her dance next year! I think she will be a wonderful job at it!

Oh wow.. No Gaga! I sure hope that is going well. I know it wont be easy, but hopefully not to painful!!

As far as the racoon, I would be of no help there! lol


Congrats to all of the kids for all of there achievements!!!! No "elephant" experts at our house sorry!

Jen said...

Cool with the reading! Jordan got one of those too!!! And thanks for Not being the only one with the "love tapping" BB gun handy!!! I use mine on greedy dog food gobbling grackles! It's all very Rambo...really.