Friday, June 20, 2008

A Happy Father's Day

I think a happy Father's Day was had at our home :) First off, Daddy got a wish to come true. After doing yard work on Saturday, Jim laid in his hammock. He told that just once he wished that while he was out there in his hammock, the deer would come out.....

....viola...your wish is granted :)

On Father's Day we went outside that morning and found that it was already miserably hot. But it's so beautiful in the backyard, we just love to sit out there. So I decided that setting out the sprinkler might make it cooler...for the kids anyway :)

This is Matt doing his Urkel (sp?) impression and Nat's imitating his voice...and I gotta tell you, she does a perfect Urkel impression "...did I do that???" :)

And here's the reason that Jim got to celebrate on Sunday :)...

Hope all the Dad's out there had a GREAT Father's Day. Sorry for my delayed wishes...been a crazy week.

We are all packed up and ready to head to the beach. We will be gone 9.5 wonderful days starting at 2:30 today!!!! I will post the typical beach photos sometime next week...I hope.

And one last woo hoo....I hit 29 lbs lost this morning!!!!!!! After 1 month at the same weight, my scale finally gave me a break and let me see a 2 lbs loss right before I leave for vacation! Thank you Scale :) Now, I just gotta be a good girl and not put on my typical 10lbs of vacation wieght!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and week!

Monday, June 09, 2008

...what chu say belly?

:) Now that the big kids are out of school for summer, Brayden comes into my room to watch tv till they wake they can sleep in. This morning as he was sitting on my bed eating his nummies I hear this... "..what chu say belly? You need nummies?" :) I just laugh to myself and I ask him if his belly is talking to him. He just laughs and says ", my belly can't talk. There's no face..." This probably isn't as funny to you as it is to me. Some things don't always come off as funny unless you are there :)

In my own personal "belly" news, I am holding steady at 27 lbs lost since the last week of Feb. It's very slow going at this point, but I'm still losing inches and my BMI continues to drop. Trying very hard at this point NOT to just go by what the scale says. This has been one of the hardest weight loss journeys I've been on, but my SWEET, SWEET husband told me that he feels I look the best I have in 10 years :) He know JUST want to say some days :)

Today Nat will start softball camp from permitting. I sure want her to go and have fun. But I sure would LOVE the rain!!! Matt will go to a sports camp/vbs tonight. First of many fun activities I'm trying to get lined out for them this summer. Friday Jim made them each a scavenger hunt. It took him about 3 hours to create and took them about 30 mins to find the treasure :) They sure had fun!

We are on the count down to our annual beach trip...and as always, it can't get here soon enough. My sisters and my parents will be down there the same week we are and my brother will be doming down one day during that week. Jim's cousin Bill and his family will come down for a day or two and Jim's little sister (by proxy) Reagan (you can go to her link on my page and then go to her daughter's link off of her page and see one C-U-T-E baby girl) will be getting to come with her family the last weekend we are there. This will be a great vacation with lots of loved ones to share it with. We will also be putting Karen's ashes out to sea...and I know she's ready for her beach trip also :)

Hope you all have a great week and SUPER BIG CONGRATS to Gary, Lyndsey, and Sage to their new baby boy Isaia. He's just beautiful!!!