Friday, June 20, 2008

A Happy Father's Day

I think a happy Father's Day was had at our home :) First off, Daddy got a wish to come true. After doing yard work on Saturday, Jim laid in his hammock. He told that just once he wished that while he was out there in his hammock, the deer would come out.....

....viola...your wish is granted :)

On Father's Day we went outside that morning and found that it was already miserably hot. But it's so beautiful in the backyard, we just love to sit out there. So I decided that setting out the sprinkler might make it cooler...for the kids anyway :)

This is Matt doing his Urkel (sp?) impression and Nat's imitating his voice...and I gotta tell you, she does a perfect Urkel impression "...did I do that???" :)

And here's the reason that Jim got to celebrate on Sunday :)...

Hope all the Dad's out there had a GREAT Father's Day. Sorry for my delayed wishes...been a crazy week.

We are all packed up and ready to head to the beach. We will be gone 9.5 wonderful days starting at 2:30 today!!!! I will post the typical beach photos sometime next week...I hope.

And one last woo hoo....I hit 29 lbs lost this morning!!!!!!! After 1 month at the same weight, my scale finally gave me a break and let me see a 2 lbs loss right before I leave for vacation! Thank you Scale :) Now, I just gotta be a good girl and not put on my typical 10lbs of vacation wieght!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and week!


The Oldies said...

What a great way to spend Father's Day. Good job guys. See you at the beach. Love to all and congrats on the 2lb. weight loss. Mom

Kim :) said...

loved the post! The pictures of the kids are great. THey are all growing up so much!

I hope you guys have the best time ever at the beach!

And WOO HOO on the weight loss! That is fantastic Angie!! You are doing gret!


Do you miss the pool??? Hope you have fun and congrats on the scale being sweet to you!! LOL