Thursday, July 10, 2008


15 years today!!!! Many, many people made bets that we wouldn't last 15 mins :) ...not to say that Jim and I do things out of spite....... ;)~~~

We've had far from the fairytale version of a marriage. We've had our rocky times, but we've learned something from each of them. We growl and snarl at each other, but it's never meant that we don't love each other. Don't think we've ever had it in us to be all kissy poo or "I love you Suger Lips". We've been more like "get the heck over here so I can hug your stubborn a--" :) .....and that works for us! How do I know???

15 years!!!

...that's how I know :) I love you Jim. Thank you for your love, understanding, and patience! I seriously would not want to have spent the past 15 years with ANYONE else and I look forward to the next 15x15x15 years with you. And I'm REALLY looking forward to cruising on the SS Happy :)

**I did a post yesterday about Matt and the deer. Check it out if you haven't already.**


Aaron Schaefer said...

congratulations you two :)

The Oldies said...

Congras! It seems like yesterday that daddy walked you down the aisle, both of you with tears in your eyes. You guys have done a great job. And who said every day is FANTASTIC is a big fat lier. We love you both and thanks for sharing your lives with us.

love Mom and Dad

Kim :) said...

Happy Anniversary Guys!!! 15 years is awesome!! You guys will have 15x15x15 more!

Love yall!


I still remember you wedding too!! Dancing and Dancing -- it was a lot of fun -- Man to think I was 14 when you got married -- you feel old yet? hahaha What did you get for putting up with Jim for 15 years? LOL

Unknown said...

Wow, we're married? Who know!

Jen said...

I REMEMBER!!! I remember the JMM song too!!! I was wearing one of Tina's maternity dresses because I was just starting to show with Cody. You were so beautiful. I remember thinking..."she's got John Michael Montgomery, and I had the freaking theme from Ice Castles?" I still have a napkin from reception in my old photo album right next to your senior picture!!! CONGRATS! Anyone who gets married as young as we did deserves major kudos for lasting through the long haul.