Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I wanted to post this Friday but got sidetracked....huh, imagine that :)

I was elated on Friday morning because I saw something on the scale that I haven't seen in a least 6 (possibly 7) years. I am offically in the 150's! 159.4!!! And that's the what my title is about...I'm finally at 159....I've lost 32lbs....and I have 10lbs to my goal!

I really wasn't sure that this would ever happen, but I am so happy that it has. Not for vainty, but because all this hard work is finally paying off.

Thanks for letting me share my happy news with you :)


Reagan said...

WOOHOO!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!
Congrats on all that hard work :)

The Oldies said...

WE are all so very proud of you Angie!! You are a strong person and just in case no body is aware very determend to get to where you want to go !!!

love Dad

Kim :) said...

GOOO Angie!! That is fantastic news!! It is SO much hard work, that is for sure. Something you should yell from the room tops and not aplogize for! Great job.


AWESOME!!! Very proud of you -- I have gotten my butt in gear as well -- but not on the scale yet!! Just working out and I am comfortable in my size 12, but just want it toned a bit more!!

Oh before I forget how is James?