Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stealing from Kim

Ok, I'm stealing a great idea from Kim. She had all her nieces and nephews line up according to age. I just loved it and have wonted to copy that idea for some time. So while at the beach I FINALLY remember and here ya go:

In order from left to right: Wesley (not shown but in our hearts is in Las Vegas doing his residency/internship...not sure of the proper term), Jordan (16), Krista (16), Taylor (15), Lorrin (15), Laura (14), Natalie (13), Matthew (10), Tyler (10), and Brayden (3)

Here's a shot of me and my siblings (not in order of age):)

From left to right:
Karen (in all our hearts and in the sea behind us :)),Billy, Me, Cheryl, and Debbie

I'll post more pictures, but here's a start. If you didn't read my explaination for the picture delay...see blog below.


The Oldies said...

Now you can all see why I am so proud of my family!!


You look great girl!!!

Kim :) said...

YOu steal away girl! LOL To funny. I'm glad that you like the picture enough to do something like it for your family also. I LOVE it! The setting could not be a better place! You all on the beach! SO perfect. Have I ever told you how envious I am of you and your family ALL going to the beach to spend vacation together?? Just color me pure green with envy! I love that you guys do this.