Wednesday, August 27, 2008

34 years and 295 days!

I almost made it 35 years....almost. Yesterday was 34 years and 295 days that I have gone with ZERO cavities! Dang... I now have 4. I know that's diddly. But I thought that I'd actually be able to always say "I've never had a cavity." Guess all those years of never flossing finally caught up to me. I'm such a terrible example to the kids. And I hadn't been to the dentist in 6-7 years. So when the big kids asked me at their last dentist visit how come I never go....I figured it was time that I set a better example. I haven't told the kids that I have cavites yet, but I'm sure when I do they'll really let me have it :)

In other news....

Both big kids had another great day at school. Matt also had his 1st baseball practice and he's ready for some games!!!

Today is my Sister-In-Laws birthday. And even though I know she doesn't read my blog....HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANDA!!!! If you know her number, give her a shout today. She'll be celebrating this b-day without Bobby this year since he just left out for his two weeks "on".


Reagan said...

I made it about 25 yrs with no cavities - an technically they weren't true cavities just some dentist's bright idea to drill a little bit on two back teeth that might have soft spots. anyway all four back teeth have been done now. The other two were since we moved here. I really hope Em gets my teeth :) We will know next week!

Kim :) said...

Oh no!! I hate hearing that you have four cavities! I, sadly, haven't been that lucky! Glad that you went to the dentist for a check up! He will make it all better. :)

HOpe Chanda has a wonderful birthday!


I never had any until after having the boys -- the dentist said it is from vomiting while you are pregnant!!! So that may be where yours came from as well!

The Oldies said...

Well baby girl I hate to hear about the cavities but you did good. And remember to got for regular check ups and drink milk. Do I sound like a MOm.

Go Matt one practise should be enough. You'll be a star for sure.

Love M